automate marketing

Best Automate Marketing Tools Plus 13 Alternatives

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “automated marketing,” but what does that mean? In its simplest form, automated marketing uses technology to streamline and automate marketing-specific functions.

This can include e-mail, media posting, or CRM integrations. It’s not just about delegating responsibilities.

Automating these steps might help you gain productivity. It can also help you stay on top of your promoting goals and targets while saving you time and money.

By automating repetitive duties, you can solve issues on your path to streamline your efforts.

Keep reading for further information on this subject!

What Is Automated Marketing?

Automated marketing uses technology to computerize the tasks involved in e-mail and social media marketing and lead generation.

As a result, it can be more efficient and cost-effective to reach and engage shoppers than traditional methods.

For example, e-mail helps reach a larger audience with less effort, and lead generation software can automate generating contacts from your website or blog.

It can also help you track and measure your results more accurately, allowing you to adjust your strategies and tactics from the leaky sales funnel. When used correctly, it is a powerful tool for growing your business.

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Standard Features Of Automate Marketing

If you’re in business today, finding ways to automate marketing is more important than ever.

In other words, you’ll be more efficient and economical while connecting with a larger enthusiastic audience about your product.

There are several standard features of practical automated marketing tools. Let’s consider some excellent ones.

Lead Generation

One of the essential features is the ability to generate sales leads. In addition, it will help you capture contact information from possible buyers who visit your website or blog.

Once you have this contact information, you can follow up with them through e-mail or other means to turn them into paying clients.

Track Results

The ability to track outcomes is another crucial component. A robust approach, for example, will show how many people have visited your website or blog, the period they stayed on it, and what actions they took while there.

The analysis determines which strategies are working and which aren’t.

Lead Nurturing

Lead nurturing, or drip marketing is one of the most common features.

With it, businesses send a series of e-mails, also known as a drip campaign, propagated over a pre-defined period to nurture prospects into buyers.

It aims to build relationships with embryonic clients and keep them engaged with your brand until they are ready to make a purchase.

The strategies must be highly customized and relevant to the recipient. In addition, they should be laid out correctly so that people receive the information they need when they are most likely to act on it.

When done correctly, it is a highly effective way to turn aspiring buyers into loyal fans through their entire lifecycle.

Trigger Responses

Trigger responses are established upon visitors’ behavior, allowing you to send highly targeted messages at crucial points in their journey.

This could be, for example, sending a discount code to existing buyers who abandon their shopping cart or sending a birthday message to loyal consumers.

By systematically sending these kinds of communications, you can significantly reduce consumer churn and drive higher levels of fidelity through personalized experiences.

Customized Templates

Templates allow businesses to create newsletters, e-mails, landing pages, and other materials quickly and easily.

Companies can use a template to ensure that their materials are consistent with their trademark identity and that all necessary information is included.

In addition, templates can be customized to target specific audiences or support particular objectives.

As a result, automated marketing software with templates can spare businesses many hours and effort while delivering high-quality revenue growth results.

Email Campaigns 

E-mail campaigns can be set up to systematically send transactional e-mails based on specific criteria, such as when shoppers last purchased a product or abandoned an online shopping cart.

In addition, it can also segment contacts based on their specific needs and interests.

By sending targeted messaging, businesses can increase their chances of conversion by providing pertinent information that speaks directly to the buyer’s needs.

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Social Marketing

It allows business selling teams to interact with their contacts through social publishing systems such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Businesses can build buying relationships and create a loyal following by posting engaging content and conversations with users. 

Additionally, it can increase transactions.

For example, by running ads on social media platforms, businesses can target future buyers interested in their products or services. It can strongly reach people and create a better connection with them.

Real-Time Alerts

Real-time alerts are a feature that sends notifications to users about specific events, such as new contacts or prospect actions.

It can be delivered through e-mails, text messages, or push notifications. This feature helps users stay informed about their interactions and allows them to take instantaneous action when necessary.

Price Plan

The price plan will vary depending on your chosen software. However, there are some general things to consider when considering the price. 

Most of them range between $600 and $3000/month. This price range can be affordable for most businesses, depending on their budget:

  1. The more features a tool offers, the more expensive it will be.
  2. If you need a device that is easy to use and has a lot of support, you will likely pay more.
  3. The best marketing softwares tend to be more expensive than the average tool.

Stay In Touch With Your Audience

Finally, an effective system should make it easy for you to stay in touch with your audience.

A sound system will allow you to send out regular newsletters or other communications to keep them up-to-date on what’s going on with your business.

As a result, they will soon begin coming back to your site over and over again.

It promotes long-term relationships with your consumers and transforms them into devoted, regular buyers.

These are just a few standard features of effective automated marketing systems.

It’s worth researching whether an automated marketing system may assist you in reaching more latent consumers if you wish to boost your profit.

automate marketing

Types Of Automated Marketing

There are different types of successful marketing automation, and each has its own benefits.

Depending on the size and needs of your business, one type may be more advantageous to you than another.

So, what are the different types of automation? But, first, let’s take a closer look.


Advertising uses software to program the assignments involved in executing an advertising course of action. This can include creating and managing ads, targeting potential customers, and measuring the performance of all operations.

Businesses can economize their resources by automating these functions and, more valuably, target their commercial advertising. In addition, it can help companies better track their results and adjust accordingly.

It is a powerful tool for businesses that want to improve their digital marketing approach in advertising with higher efficiency and effectiveness.


It is a procedure whereby e-mails are sent out automatically, according to predetermined criteria.

For example, an e-mail marketing system might be set up to send out weekly newsletters to a list of subscribers or to send out promotional offers to those who have purchased in the past month.

This type of systemization must be carefully planned and executed to be effective. Therefore, it is essential to determine what subject will appeal to the target audience and create a system that can deliver this container promptly and efficiently.

It can send regular updates about your business, new products or services, special offers, and more. You can also divide your list so that you only send the pertinent information to interested people.

E-mail marketing is effectively powerful in developing connections with people and boosting deals and profit.


Mobile marketing is a technology that allows businesses to process their operations using mobile devices. This includes sending SMS transmissions, creating mobile coupons, and managing loyalty programs.

It also can improve people’s engagement and track their conduct. Eliminating manual operations increase their productivity.
In addition, it can help enterprises to target shoppers with highly targeted information.

Users more interested in your organization tend to have a higher level of trust and conversion. As a result, it may be a vital instrument for any company looking to maximize its mobile advertising efficacy.

CRM Integration

CRM integration is a practice that can streamline client relationship management by automating duties and processes. As a result, the employees can focus on more strategic assignments.

In addition, programmed operations can help ensure that input is entered consistently and accurately, reducing the risk of errors. CRM can also help to improve communication between employees and contacts by providing a central location for client information.

Automating business functions may help increase efficiency and productivity and improve customer experience.

Social Media

It’s no secret that implementing this type of strategy is a time-consuming effort. Whether you’re managing a Twitter account or trying to grow your Facebook page, there’s always something that needs to be done.

Posting new material, responding to comments, and building relationships with followers are demanding. One way to make the method more efficient is to use social publishing platforms.

Automated softwares help schedule posts in advance, track who’s talking about your mark, and measure your results. In addition, automating these functions will help maintain an excellent presence.

Choosing the most acceptable option available is critical, given the numerous alternatives accessible. With little research, you may discover an automation tool to boost your social media purchasing power.

Omni Channel

The goal of any marketing blueprint should be to make it easier for anyone to buy from you, regardless of the channel they use. An omnichannel approach is the best way to meet this goal.

Omni-channel allows tracking shoppers’ attitudes across all channels, including your website, social media, e-mail, and brick-and-mortar store. In addition, the information can be combined in such a way as to create a single contact profile.

With this knowledge, you may develop personalized e-mails and adjust to the requirements of each client. As a result, omnichannel marketing increases profit and builds purchaser trustworthiness.

Marketing Analytics

As the shopping sector changes, so does the necessity for practical transacting analysis.

Previously, it was done manually, requiring sellers to collect details from multiple activities and sources, clean and consolidate them, and then analyze them to glean insights.

However, with the advent of automation, this procedure has become much simpler and more efficient. 

It allows marketers to systematically collect data from their channels, clean and consolidate it in one central location, and then use powerful algorithms to analyze it and generate insights.

This avoids vendors experiencing commercial inefficiencies and helps them make better decisions. As a result, systematization is quickly becoming an essential tool for any modern marketer.

There are several forms of automated marketing, as you can see. But, again, it comes down to finding the best match for your company. 

Ask a professional to help determine what is best for your company if unsure.

With this valuable information, now is the perfect moment to start implementing the techniques into your plan.

If you need assistance getting started, consider enlisting the help of a professional agency.

automate marketing

Marketo Engage

Marketo Engage by Adobe is a platform designed to help businesses systemize their operations and workflows. It is a significant automated marketing software provider, offering many features and capabilities.

Some of the most notable features of Marketo include:

  • One of the best features of Marketo is its ease of use. The software is designed for users of all experience levels, making it an excellent option for small businesses and startups. 
  • It includes lead capture, nurturing, scoring, and e-mail marketing. Marketo also integrates with Salesforce so companies can set up everything in one system.
  • With Marketo, you can easily create and manage any campaigns end-to-end. From planning and execution to tracking and analysis, Marketo has you covered.
  • Marketo provides powerful transacting analysis capabilities to help you track and optimize your tactics. You can see which advertisements are performing well and identify areas for improvement.
  • Marketo’s mail capabilities enable you to easily create and send customized e-mails. You can also track e-mail opens, clicks, and other engagement metrics.
  • Marketo’s social media functionalities help you easily connect with your audience. You can post updates, create ads, and track interchanges.
  • You may also monitor the effectiveness of your advertising by keeping track of it. You can also measure its success by recording and analyzing its progress. Doing this allows you to identify what strategies are effective and which ones need to be changed.
  •  Additionally, you can use the software to A/B test to see which version is more effective.
  • The company offers 24/7 support via phone, e-mail, and live chat, so you can always get help when needed. In addition, Marketo’s customer service team is known for being responsive and helpful, so you can rest assured that you’ll always be able to get the assistance you need. 
  • They provide a detailed knowledge base and FAQ area on their website, so you may discover answers to your inquiries without help.
  • The essential subscription begins at $895 per month, giving you access to all vital features, including lead and campaign management and e-mail marketing.
  • For advanced features like web personalization and landing pages, you’ll need to upgrade to the Pro plan, which starts at $1,795 per month. 
  • If you want even more capabilities, such as AI-assisted recommendations and live interaction insights, you may opt for the Enterprise plan, which has a monthly charge of $3,175.
  • Whatever method you pick, you’ll undoubtedly acquire a sophisticated solution that will assist you in boosting profit and expanding your company.
  • Best of all, Marketo offers a free demo before committing to a paid subscription. So why not give it a shot? You might find that it’s what you’ve been looking for.

See Marketo Engage in Action:

Visit The Website Now

Alternatives Of Best Softwares To Automate Marketing

  1. Campaigner
  2. Mailchimp
  3. Salesforce
  4. Hubspot
  5. Groove
  6. Act-on
  7. Eloqua
  8. Netsuite
  9. AWeber
  10. engageBay
  11. IBM Marketing Cloud
  12. Ontraport
  13. GetResponse

Check out the list of the best-automated marketing platforms, and select the one that matches your needs!