Best Funnel Builder Software

Best Funnel Builder Software-What To Look For (11 Hints)

If you are looking for a way to improve your online business, you may want to consider using funnel builder software.

This type of technology can help you create and manage your entire sales, payment, and checkout processes. These are essential parts of any online marketing strategy.

With so many funneling solutions accessible, it might be ambiguous to decide which one is best for you.

When choosing, you should also consider their features and how they will help your business grow.

The best funnel builder operating system has specific goals in mind: increasing conversions or reducing cart abandonment rates by up to 50%.

In this blog post, I will go through 11 helpful hints to look for and a comprehensive description of the features you should look for in funnel builder software.

I will cover what types of funnels are ideal for your marketing approach, as well as the different options. 

11 Helpful Hints To Consider When Selecting The Best Funnel Builder Software

1) Affordability

You will want to consider at first its affordability. Many are free to try for a short period, but you may need a paid plan for more advanced features.

2) User-friendly interface – Ease of use

Another important factor is usability: some programs have a user-friendly interface, while others have many options and settings that can be confusing if you are not tech-savvy.

3) Customer support

It is also worth mentioning what kind of support each platform provides to avoid surprises down the line.

Some have 24/hour customer service accessibility. Some others only have email support available during business hours (M-F).

4) A wide variety of stunning templates to choose from and flexibility to create custom designs

Make sure it provides both templates and custom designs. It is the best way to create funnel-designed templates to match your business needs.

5) Hosting

It would be wise to verify if the hosting is optional or not. Many come with hosting, but some do not.

If you do not have a web host, you will need to find one compatible with your funnel builder.

6) Mobile Responsive

The funnels are mobile responsive and adapted to all types of devices.

7) Fast Loading Page Speed

The fast-loading page speed aimed by Google is essential for the user experience quality.

8) Ability to integrate with popular CMS systems and third-party tools

Integrations not only with other platforms like WordPress or Facebook. The more possibilities it has, the easier it will be to customize your funnels.

For example, if you want to integrate with an autoresponder service like AWeber, MailChimp, or Constant Contact, a CRM system, verify the availability of the desired third-party services.

9) API

See if they have an API software interface to connect your existing operating system if it applies to your case.

10) Storage Space

It is important to consider storage space. Depending on your niche and the size of your target audience, you will likely end up with several videos, images, and text files that will be used or stored in your account.

A sufficient storage area at an affordable price is a must-have. I also recommend seeing whether each plan includes as much storage space as you will need so you can figure out an upgrade in the future.

The best scenario is the option that includes unlimited storage capacity, so double-check before purchasing. 

You will avoid overpaying through the nose for storage!

11) Reliability

Reliability must come first. I would definitively recommend reading a few product reviews.

These tips should help make things easier on you when deciding which tool will work best for your business.

So let us look at some of the most effective components to determine the best funnel builder software according to your needs.

What Are The Features Found In The Best Funnel Builder Software?

The following features are not always all required. Make sure you get the ones you need and that the operating system you choose has them:

What Are The Features Found In The Best Funnel Builder Software?

In-Depth Overview of The Best Funnel Builder Software Features

A/B Testing

It is a method of comparing two or more alternative versions of something to see which performs better.

It is a ranking feature for any marketer, as it allows you to test new ideas and find the best ways to convert leads into clients.

Abandoned Cart Recovery

It is how to contact existing customers who have left items in their shopping cart but have not completed the transaction.

One-third of the 70% recovered on average is profitable for your organization and provides exceptional client encounter experience.

Ability to Automate and Trigger Events

Automation can save you much time by triggering events based on specific actions. Once a customer is tagged, you can automate your sales efforts.

For example, you may want to send an automated message after someone signs up for a free trial or add a tag to his profile when visiting a particular page.

Maybe you will want to email them a message two weeks after signup with a special discounted upsell product with free shipping for new customers.

It is possible and quick to do with the appropriate feature.

Advanced Rule Setup

A more advanced system allows you to build sophisticated rules based on specific behaviors.

It lets you automate the process of delivering personalized messages to prospects.

For example, if someone accesses an appointed webpage, they may be labeled and be contacted to propose a special price.

Affiliate Management System

An affiliate management system is required for affiliates to advertise the goods. It will guarantee that your affiliate program is monitored and managed accordingly.


The inclusion of a blog feature allows you to easily add articles, videos, and other content to your website.

It is a great way to keep your website updated with fresh content and attract more visitors.

Look for a funnel builder that provides a range of templates so you may quickly and easily produce professional-looking blogs.

Campaign Marketplace With Other Marketers’ Funnels

Look for a marketplace where you can browse and download proven and optimized funnels created by other users.

If you are a more seasoned marketer, you may want to offer your funnels for others to view on the marketplace.

If you are starting, access to these pre-made funnels can save a lot of time.

Checkout Forms for Credit Card and PayPal

If you are in the business of selling products online, having optimized checkout forms is essential.

The most popular ones should provide PayPal and credit card payment options.

Others may also suggest excellent payment solutions such as Stripe,, 2Checkout, and more.

One (1) Click-upsells / Down-sells / Cross-sells

One (1) click-upsells and down-sells allow you to introduce additional products or services to your customers at specific points in the sales process.

For example, give your customers a free trial of your product when signing up.

Alternatively, you may utilize the down-sell and up-sell options to market additional goods or services from other businesses connected to what you are offering them with their initial purchase.

Cross-sells are selling related products to complement the main product.For example, if you are selling a digital camera, you may want to cross-sell memory cards, batteries, and other accessories.

Coupon Code

The coupon code feature allows you to create and distribute promo codes, enticing sales to your goods or services.

Order Bumps

It allows you to add an extra step in your sales funnel for customers to upgrade their purchases.

For example, if a consumer purchases your product for $20, you may wish to sell them a $50 good instead. 

It is the perfect way of increasing the average order value for your customers.

Customer Tagging

When someone signs up for your service or product, you will wish to add them to a dedicated lead list.

This feature will allow you to tag prospects based on their interests or the stage of the funneling process position.

It is simpler to target them with specific items or services later on. You can tag leads with prime information to help you segment them later.

It is a fantastic way to keep the path of who has purchased what or where they originated.

Drag and Drop Sequence Builder 

Building a funnel, you will likely sequence the steps in a specific order.

With this type of editor, this is effortless to do. You have to drag and drop the elements where you want them, and they will automatically get rearranged.


One of the most effective ways to market your merchandise is automated emails. 

A suitable platform should have all of those features so that you may contact your customer directly.

If the platform does not include a built-in email editor and autoresponder capabilities, you will need an integration or a plugin.

Email Marketing 

The capacity to set up email campaigns is essential for any marketer who wants to reach their target consumers.


Look for an in-built membership system to set up a membership site. It will be simple to access and administer your memberships if you use one.

Multi-page Funnel Creator

With many derivatives, you can only create a single-page funnel. It can make it complex to capture all the steps needed to complete a sale.

The capacity to create as many page funnels as required is critical for gathering all essential data.

Plug-and-Play Campaigns

If you are not familiar with funneling design, many tools will include ready-made campaigns that you can use as-is or modify to fit your needs.

It simplifies the way to get started quickly and avoid starting from scratch.

Other operating systems include many of them by default and are ready to use right out of the box.

These come in handy when you are just getting started, as they can help you build a sales funnel quickly.


Pop-up windows are a great way to grab attention and get contact information.

Look for various pop-up templates that are easy to customize and add to your website or landing pages.

Reporting & Analytics

The most effective funnel builders provide real-time insights and performance metrics so you can watch how your data is progressing.

This data is crucial for determining the effectiveness of your marketing ROI and maximizing the return on your conversion funnel and money.

The best funnel builders provide different tools that make it easy to design and build all types of funnels, track their performance, and optimize them for maximum results.

Web Forms

To gather information from your prospects, you will need online forms to provide their identification within the form fields.

Multiple editable form types that best suit your needs.

Web Page (Landing Page) Optimized Templates

Landing pages are essential for capturing leads.

To convert visitors into customers, they must be well-designed and conversion-optimized templates.

Is it possible to, for example, build a landing page according to your brand and style?

Website (Complete With Navigation Bar) – OPTIONAL

Building a complete website with all the bells and whistles is possible within a few software systems, but not all of them.

All you need to do is select a theme or template, input your data, and hit go. If you are not particularly web-savvy, this might be the best option for you.

It is purely optional since you may also create a funnel using funnel builder software without an entire website.

However, if you want to create an effective sales funnel that looks and feels professional, having your website is the way to go.

Many of these services also offer built-in analytics so that you can track how well your website is performing.

What Type Of Online Marketing Strategy Does a Funnel Use?

Consumers are becoming more aware of the different sales tactics used by marketers and businesses, so you have to be creative with your approach.

In the world of online marketing, there are two main types of funnels: sales and marketing funnels.

Sales Funnels

A sales type is the process that takes a total stranger to an active customer.

By guiding prospects through a series of steps or stages, each one carefully planned to increase their confidence in your product or service, so they are more inclined to buy from you.

It starts with advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, or even Google AdWords. 

The visitor clicks on the ad, which takes them to a beautiful landing page asking them to provide their email address to download a free guide or e-book related to what you are proposing.

Once they have submitted it, you can start the cycle of sending them automated follow-ups emails submitting more information about your product or service with links back to your website so they can buy it.

The marketing type is similar in has the tactic is to convince someone that your product or service will solve their problem. 

The difference between these two types is where the activity originates plus the content produced.

Marketing Funnels

A marketing type starts with advertisements but redirects visitors directly to buy something for money or credit card information.

It focuses on educating them about those problems and how to solve them. In purchasing something else entirely different from the one promoted in the first place!

These ads will link them somewhere else entirely different such as YouTube videos about how tо use a particular product or service promoted.

Once they have watched these videos, it is up to you whether or not they should visit your website to find out more information and hopefully make the decision of purchase (if not already).

The first step is defining the nature of the traffic source that will work best for you. If you are unsure, try a few different ones and see which one gives you the best results.

Once that is figured out, essentially to boost your conversions, it is time to start creating quality content!

Marketing Content

Marketing content can be in the form of blog posts, articles, videos, or even podcasts – anything that will help your future customers learn more about the problems. They are experiencing how your product or service can help solve them.

Once posts or other forms of content are ready, it is time to start promoting it! 

Now is where social media is imperative as you can share links to your posts on your blog, articles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

It is how you can find out where they came from, who wrote them, and why they might be interested in getting what you are offering!

For efficient growth, one first must identify their targeted people so that the content created speaks directly to those people.

Once identified, the next step is composing compelling headlines for blog posts or articles which entice visitors into reading further.

The last step is promoting it through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn by sharing links back to your website where people can read more about what you have to propose to them!

What Other Types of Marketing Funnels May Suit Your Objective?

A side of the sales and marketing funnels these other types of funnels may suit your objective:


.Lead Magnet


.Squeeze Page




.Sales Letters

.Daily Deal

What Are The Pros and Cons of a Sales Funnel Builder?


-You can track your progress and measure your results.

-A funnel builder can help simplify the process of creating and managing your sales funnel.

-A funnel builder can help you create high-converting sales funnels that will increase your sales.


-It can be expensive.

-Not all funnel builders are created equal, so you need to do your research to find the right one for you.

-It can take some time to learn how to use a funnel builder effectively.

If you are looking for a way to increase your sales, consider using a funnel builder.

Look for a platform that offers a variety of integrations with third parties, tools like web forms, pop-ups, and landing pages optimized for conversions. 

Additionally, make sure the platform provides real-time insights so you can track the performance of your funnel and make necessary adjustments. 

With the right system, you can create a high-converting funnel in no time!

If not sure where to start, check out our post on Click Funnels Alternative Software.

The list will give you a good starting point and help you find the proper tools for your business.

Frequently Ask Questions

What Is A Funnel Building Software?

In recent years, funnel-building software has become the go-to for many businesses.

It is a conversion processing tool that has proved effective in growing revenue and attracting new and repeat customers.

However, designing a funnel from start to finish is not as easy as it sounds. It is where this technology comes into play!

What Is The Purpose Of A Funnel Builder?

The purpose can be anything—to get contact information such as email address, phone number, or to get someone to sign up for a course, event, webinar, or buy your product.

This technology makes it easy for users by dragging elements on their pages to create web pages, landing pages, sales pages, and checkout or cart pages.

Why You Need A Funnel Builder Software?

Funnels are great for acquiring leads and converting them into loyal customers. 

The goal of a funnel is to drive traffic from your ads to your web page and then generate revenue by selling goods or services through your website.

It is a powerful tool for businesses and marketers to have because it makes the task of building funnels hassle-free and easy.

This type of program also gives you the option to build customized landing pages that best suit your products or services.  

It is user-friendly and can be used by anyone regardless of skill level and without coding!

Of What A Sales Funnel Is Composed?

Several steps/pages take the customer through every step until they reach their goal—to take action and become paying customers.

A typical sales funnel has three pages: the landing page (the first page), the product page, and the thank-you page.

The funnel-building program will help you design all different pages and automatically engage your leads. 

What Are The Most Valuable Features of a Sales Funnel Software?

There are several things you should look after: split testing, email management system, CRM integrations, website templates and hosting, landing page editor and pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop visual editor, analytics programs (heatmaps), reporting.

Thanks for reading!

I hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please ask in the comments section below.

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