
The Best Tools for Email Marketing and 15 Other Options

What are the best tools for email marketing? With various email marketing tools available, selecting the most suitable for your objectives is a monumental task.

However, email marketing is a great way to connect with customers and update them on your latest products and services.

This blog post will explore the optimal tools for email marketing and 15 alternative choices.

We’ll go through the advantages of each marketing approach and help you determine which is best for you.

Whether starting or looking for an upgrade, read on to find the best tool for your business.

Then, start exploring the best tools for email marketing today!

What Is An Email Marketing Tool?

An email marketing tool is a platform that helps businesses send mass emails to their customers.

It’s primarily used to promote sales, announce new products or services, or stay in touch with subscribers.

The best tools for email marketing typically offer templates, contact management, reporting, and sometimes even automation.

It communicates with potential or current customers, promotes your brand, and builds relationships.

It may also perform specific email marketing automation processes, such as sending follow-up or welcome emails to new subscribers.

You can set up automated emails that check for new followers and regularly respond to them on your post.

In addition, you may segment your list so that only necessary information reaches those who need it.

Best Tools For Email Marketing

Email marketing creates and sends large quantities of email communications to promote a product or service.

The process of email marketing usually involves four key steps:

1. Planning and strategy: Deciding on your goals, target audience, and your campaign’s overall tone and approach.

2. Design: Create the actual content of your emails, including text, images, and links.

3. Execution: Send emails using an email marketing platform or tool.

4. Analysis: Measuring the results of your campaign and making improvements for future campaigns.

You should consider how much it costs, the features included, how easy it is to use, and if it can connect to other software you use.

To assist you in making the finest selections for your business, we’ve compiled a list of must-have features for the best tools for email marketing on the market.

Also Read: Best Email Marketing Platforms Plus 12 Alternatives

Categories Of Email Marketing Tools

There are several different categories of email marketing tools available and defined below.

Before you start marketing, take the time to think about which type of product or service would work best for your business.

After determining the type of product or service you wish to promote, you need to decide how to advertise it.

For example, will you use a mass mailing list?

Will you use a targeted mailing list?

These are impacting questions to answer before selecting an email marketing tool.

Selecting an email marketing tool that fits your budget and provides you with the features you need is essential.

Fortunately, there are many solutions available for all sizes of budgets.

Finally, deciding what support you need would be best, as some tools offer more help than others.

Seek the expertise from an expert if you wonder about anything.

Each software tool has features and benefits that make it suitable for a specific type of email marketing campaign.

Consult our list of some of the most favored types of the best tools for email marketing solutions:

Bulk Email Service 

The bulk email service allows users to send large emails to an extensive list of recipients.

These services typically have many features, such as templates, contact management, reporting, etc.


  1. MailChimp
  2. SendinBlue
  3. Constant Contact


An autoresponder is an invaluable email marketing tool that promptly responds to customer queries and sales leads.

It’s a powerful way to ensure your business always takes advantage of potential opportunities!


  1. AWeber
  2. GetResponse
  3. ActiveCampaign

Standard Features Every Email Marketing Tool Must Have

Email marketing is a robust tool that can help businesses of all sizes reach new customers and grow.

There are many things to consider and determine, which are crucial and which you can do without.

To ease the research and find the best email marketing tool for your business, we’ve compiled a list of the must-have features that every email marketing tool should have:

A Drag-And-Drop Editor

Drag-and-drop editors make it easy to create beautiful, engaging emails. For the non-tech-savvy, this comes to their rescue.

With a drag-and-drop editor, you don’t need to be a design expert to create stunning emails that capture your audience’s attention.

By clicking, drag the elements you choose to include in your email and drop them into place. It’s that simple.

With a drag-and-drop editor, you can easily customize your emails to match your brand’s style and voice.

This is incredibly important as it helps you create a consistent customer and prospect experience.

Finally, a drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to test different email designs to see what works best for your business.

With a traditional email marketing tool, you must create separate email versions for each design you want to test.

With a drag-and-drop editor, you can create one email and quickly change the design that matches the brand and look for your business.


Email templates can help you save time when creating your emails. However, email marketing tools need templates to be effective.

You can achieve a unified and professional appearance in your email correspondence using templates.

Templates can also help you save time when creating email marketing content.

A library of pre-designed templates allows you to quickly and easily create beautiful emails that engage your subscribers.

An email marketing tool is complete with a selection of templates.

The best marketing tools will offer a wide variety of high-quality templates that you can use to create stunning emails.

Look for a tool that easily customizes templates to match your brand’s style.

With the right email marketing tool, you can create professional and eye-catching emails that will help you boost your business.

List Management

A good email marketing tool will offer powerful list management capabilities to help you keep track of your subscribers.

This includes segmenting your list, creating autoresponders sequences, and managing unsubscribers.

List management is vital because it allows you to target your subscribers with specific content that is relevant to them.

But, more importantly, it will enable you to track who is interested in what topics so that you can send more customized emails in the future.

Autoresponders are a great way to nurture your relationship with your subscribers by sending them automated emails based on their actions.

For example, you can set up an autoresponder to send a welcoming email to new subscribers or even offer special discount codes for those who last purchased some time ago.

Managing unsubscribers is also essential, so you don’t continue to email them after they’ve decided they’re not interested.

To achieve this, the most common way, even if there are multiple ways, is to create a segment for unsubscribers and then exclude that segment from future emails.


Reporting is essential for tracking the success of your email campaigns.

When it comes to email marketing, reporting is necessary. You need it to track your campaign’s performance or ROI.

In other words, reporting gives you the insights to improve your email marketing strategy and make better campaign decisions.

An email marketing tool should offer several different types of reports.

To begin, you can quickly determine the success of your email by checking how many people opened it and which links they clicked on.

This way, you get a good idea of whether or not your subject line was effective and if your content was interesting enough to encourage people to click through.

You should also see which links were most popular and which resulted in the most conversions. This information can be precious when optimizing your email marketing campaigns.

Finally, you should be able to generate reports on various metrics, including unsubscribe rates, spam complaints, and delivery rates.

These reports will assist you in determining how well your email marketing campaigns are working and where you may make changes.


Integration is vital to use your email marketing tool with other software programs. For example, you should integrate your marketing tool with your CRM software.

This is important to track your campaigns’ performance across multiple channels. 

An email marketing tool must have integration to be effective. Integrating with other software can automate many of the processes involved in email marketing, making it easier and more efficient.

Additionally, integration lets you consolidate data from multiple sources and analyze it all in one place. 

This helps you keep track of the results, which can provide insight into what your future campaigns should look like.


Before settling on an email marketing tool, comparing prices is essential. Depending on the software you choose, the cost can vary greatly – so make sure to shop around before making a final decision.

It can be hard to decide between free and paid tools, but plenty of reliable and effective free options are available if you have financial constraints.

You might be surprised at how many complimentary selections offer just as much value as those with a price tag!

Investing in a premium tool can amplify the success of your email marketing campaign, especially when you have more resources at your disposal.

Customer Support

If you need help using your email marketing tool to save time, customer support is a must-have.

You always want a reliable team of specialists to answer questions and troubleshoot potential issues.

The right tools will offer exceptional customer service so that when situations arise and help is required, it’s only a phone call or email away.

The best email marketing tool offers 24/7 customer support, so you can always get help when needed.

Free Trial

A free trial or a free basic account is imperative to understand the tool’s functionality and how it operates.

Test and explore its features for your business before making any monetary commitment, so you can be sure it’s the best fit for you!

Only use a tool once you’ve tested its customer support with a free trial period. Ensure that help is available when and if necessary!

Although all of these reasons are valid, the most crucial one is that a free trial allows you to test-drive the product. Before investing in it, you want assurance that it will meet your requirements.

To maximize email marketing effectively, you need a tool that fits your needs.

Some tools are designed for large-scale campaigns, while others focus on smaller businesses.

The best tool for email marketing will depend on your specific needs. Remember to prioritize essential features when selecting.

After all, it’s only with the right resources and technology can email marketing genuinely become a fundamental part of your cutting-edge strategy.

We researched for you and found the best tool for email marketing out there with unique features!

Which Is The Best Tool For Email Marketing?

Constant Contact Is Unique And Popular As An Email Marketing Service.


What’s Constant Contact?

The best tool for email marketing on the market today is Constant Contact. It offers several features, making it the ideal tool for any email marketing campaign.

These features include:

  • Easy to use interface: The interface of Constant Contact is designed to be easy to use, even for those unfamiliar with email marketing. You can create an email campaign and send it to your contacts list by clicking a few times.
  • Wide range of templates: Constant Contact offers a wide range of templates that can be used for any email marketing campaign. Whether searching for a simple template or a more sophisticated design, Constant Contact offers templates to fit your needs.
  • List Management: With Constant Contact, you can manage and segment your contact list to ensure the right message is sent to the right person.
  • Comprehensive reporting: Constant Contact campaign monitor provides detailed reports on the performance of your email marketing campaigns. These reports can be used to improve future campaigns and to track the success of current ones.
  • Integrations: Constant Contact integrates with over 300 third-party platforms for you to choose from, including Sengrid through Zapier. 
  • Affordable pricing: Constant Contact is one of the cheapest bulk email services on the market today. Their prices start at just $9.99 monthly for up to 500 contacts, then as per the number of subscribers.
  • Constant Contact customer service: 24/7 customer support via email, online chat, and phone.
  • Free Plan: No Free Plan
  • Free Trial: 60 days to take your marketing to the next level and craft captivating emails that drive sales.

Is Constant Contact worth it?

Absolutely! Constant Contact is an effective and easy-to-use email marketing platform that stands out. It is well-known for its high deliverability rate, intuitive user interface, and comprehensive reporting tools.

With Constant Contact, you can create beautiful emails or use one of their pre-made templates to get started quickly.

They also offer a variety of features to customize your emails and track performance, such as A/B testing, list segmentation, and automation rules.

Furthermore, their customer service team is accommodating and available to answer any questions. Constant Contact is an excellent platform to help you maximize your email marketing efforts and reach your goals.

So, if you’re looking for a reliable email marketing solution, try Constant Contact! You won’t be disappointed.

Is Constant Contact Can-spam compliant?

Yes, Constant Contact is compliant with CAN-SPAM laws. They offer tools to help you create emails that are compliant with CAN-SPAM laws, as well as the ability to monitor and report on any potential violations.

Is constant contact HIPAA compliant?

No, Constant Contact is not HIPAA compliant. Constant Contact will only sign its own BAA. This is an agreement that says Constant Contact will keep private information safe.

They will not sign one provided by a HIPAA-covered entity. HIPAA-covered entities are responsible for the data stored in their Constant Contact account.

They must establish solid passwords and correctly configure the platform’s settings to guarantee security.

Can Constant Contact do Surveys?

Absolutely! Constant Contact offers convenient online survey tools, enabling you to quickly receive customer feedback.

In addition, their tools make it effortless to create custom surveys and polls, distribute them online through email or social media channels with just a few clicks, and track responses in real-time for more accurate results.

Is Constant Contact a CRM?

No, Constant Contact is not a CRM. However, they do offer Lead Gen & CRM plans.

Does Constant Contact have text messaging?

Yes, Constant Contact offers text message marketing.

What is the Constant Contact app?

Constant Contact’s mobile app is a great way to keep up with your email marketing.

With the app, you can easily manage and grow your contact list and image library, craft captivating emails, and keep track of your campaigns on iOS or Android.

If you have an iOS device, head to the Apple App Store. If Android is more your cup of tea, search for it on Google Play!

What is the Constant Contact newsletter?

With Constant Contact’s automated newsletters, you can send custom emails at intervals of your choosing.

Not only are they filled with content from existing campaigns – but you can also craft unique stories and features tailored to the newsletter!

Adding videos, images, and links will make them even more captivating and persuasive for readers.

Can Constant Contact send attachments?

Yes, Constant Contact supports the ability to attach files to your emails. This includes images, videos, and documents up to 25MB.

You can also host files on a third-party file hosting service and link to them in your emails. There are some restrictions, however, on what files can be attached.

Start Your Constant Contact Free 60-Day Trial!

Alternatives Of The Best Tools For Email Marketing

Many other options are available if you’re looking for an alternative to Constant Contact.

Here are 15 of the best comparisons and alternatives to Constant Contact:

  1. AWeber
  2. GetResponse
  3. MailChimp
  4. HubSpot Email Marketing
  5. VerticalResponse
  6. Pardot
  7. Constant Contact
  8. SendinBlue
  9. Mad Mimi Email Marketing Service
  10. iContact Pro Email Marketing Service
  11. Benchmark Email Marketing Service
  12. Campaigner Email Marketing Service
  13. Pepipost
  14. ActiveCampaign
  15. ConvertKit

Lean more about these tools in our article about Constant Contact Alternatives.

From this first-rate selection of the best tools for email marketing, you can identify the one that will fit your business best.

These only are a handful of the best tools for email marketing available on the market today. So put in a little effort to locate an optimal platform suitable for all your objectives and needs!

Which tool is best for email marketing?

Constant Contact is considered to be the best tool for email marketing. It offers a wide range of templates, an easy-to-use interface, comprehensive reporting, and affordable pricing.

Which is the most cost-effective email marketing tool?

SendinBlue is one of the most cost-effective email marketing tools on the market.

What are the 3 types of email marketing?

The three types of email marketing are transactional emails, direct emails, and trigger-based emails. Transactional emails are sent to individual customers in response to a specific action they have taken, such as making a purchase or confirming their subscription. Direct emails are sent to an entire mailing list simultaneously to build relationships and increase sales. Finally, trigger-based emails are automated emails sent to subscribers based on specific actions, such as abandoning a shopping cart.

What are the Different Types of Email Marketing Campaigns?

Different email marketing campaigns include newsletters, announcements, promotions, automated triggered messages, surveys, polls, welcome emails, transactional emails, customer loyalty programs, and more. Each type of campaign has its purpose and objectives, so selecting the right style for your needs is essential.

What is the best free email marketing software?

Here are a few free email marketing software: Aweber, MailChimp, HubSpot Email Marketing, and VerticalResponse. These tools offer limited features for free but can be upgraded to access more features.

Best email marketing software for e-commerce?

HubSpot Email Marketing is one of the best email marketing software for e-commerce. GetResponse is also a powerful and user-friendly platform that offers automated email campaigns, detailed reports on customer behavior, segmentation capabilities, and more.

What are the benefits of email marketing?

Email marketing offers many benefits, including cost-effectiveness, high ROI potential, segmentation capabilities, easy integration with other platforms and services, personalization options, automated campaigns, detailed reports to track performance, and more.

What is email marketing software?

Email marketing software creates, sends, and tracks email campaigns. It offers automated campaigns, detailed reports on performance, segmentation capabilities, personalization options, list management tools, and more. The software can also build relationships with customers and prospects through newsletters or digital communication.

What are some benefits of email marketing software?

Email marketing software offers various benefits, including cost-effectiveness, automated campaigns and triggered emails, segmentation capabilities, detailed reports to track performance, easy integration with other platforms and services, personalization options, list management tools, ability to build relationships through newsletters or other digital communication. Additionally, it can help boost ROI from email campaigns, increase engagement with customers and prospects, expand customer loyalty, and grow your email list.

Can I do email marketing for Free?

Yes, several email marketing platforms offer free versions with limited features. For example, Aweber and MailChimp have free plans, as does HubSpot Email Marketing. Upgrade to a paid plan to access all the fantastic features these platforms have in store.

What is the best way to use email marketing?

The best way to use email marketing is by creating targeted campaigns tailored to your customer’s interests and needs. To do this, you should segment your contact list into groups based on demographics or past behaviors, use personalization options, and craft content relevant to each group. Additionally, you should track the performance of your emails with detailed reports and use these insights to optimize future campaigns.

What are the rules of email marketing?

The rules of email marketing vary by country. Generally, they include requirements such as: obtaining explicit consent from subscribers before sending emails, including an unsubscribe option, honoring opt-outs promptly, avoiding spammy tactics and using clear subject lines, being transparent about who is sending the email, and providing a way for recipients to contact you. Additionally, it is critical to comply with privacy laws such as GDPR or CCPA when applicable. It is also recommended to test your emails before sending them out.


Email marketing is a powerful tool to connect with and captivate customers through personalized, targeted content.

Email marketing software is the perfect tool to save you time and money.

You can automate campaigns, personalize content for each Contact, track results for optimization purposes, and segment contacts into groups more effectively – all at an economical cost!

However, to ensure success in your email marketing efforts, you must be familiar with email marketing rules and craft content with your customer in mind.

Using these tips, you can reap all the benefits of email marketing.

Happy sending!

. . . . .

For added help, you can also consult a professional email marketing provider, such as MailChimp or HubSpot.

Professional email marketers can help you maximize your campaigns and reach the most potential customers.

With their skills and expertise, they will be able to ensure that your emails are compliant with all applicable rules and regulations while also helping you craft content that is engaging and effective.

Good luck

Thanks for reading!