best website builders

The Best Website Builders Plus 15 Alternatives

Are you on the search for the best website builders? Look no further! We’ve got what you are looking for.

There’s a whole slew of them to choose from. So which software is the best website builder for you?

Looking to build a website but need help figuring out where to start?

Or you tried to make one independently, and it didn’t go as planned. Either way, you’re in luck!

This blog post will introduce the features required to be considered the best website builders.

Then, present you with the best choice and provide 15 potential alternatives.

So read on to find the perfect builder for your needs!

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What Is A Website Builder?

Websites are an essential part of running a business in the 21st century.

They give you a platform to showcase your products or services, connect with customers, and generate leads and sales.

But if you need to learn to code or need more time or budget to hire a web developer, building a website can be a daunting task. This is where website builders come in.

Website builders are software that allows you to create a website without writing code or designing it yourself.

Instead, they provide everything you need to get started.

Website builder platform software usually comes with templates, drag-and-drop editors, hosting, and other tools that help build a website quickly.

Small businesses and individuals who want to create a simple website without hiring a web developer use website builders.

Anyone can use a website builder to create a website, regardless of their technical skills or experience.

Best Website Builders

Most website builders work the same way:

  • First, you choose a template or theme for your website.
  • You use the drag-and-drop editor to add and customize content for your pages.
  • You publish your website, which goes live on the Internet.

They can be used for various purposes, such as creating a personal website, a portfolio site, or a small business website.

Whatever you want to use your website for, a website builder can help you create the perfect site for your needs.

With the abundance of website-building options available, it’s essential to identify which best suits your needs.

Each platform offers distinct features and benefits to consider when making this decision.

How can you determine which one is right for you?

Categories Of Website Builders

The answer lies in understanding the different categories of website builders. Here are the four most common types:

  1. WYSIWYG Website Builders
  2. Template-Based Website Builders
  3. Code-Free Website Builders
  4. CMS-Based Website Builders

Let’s explore the various types of builders available to help you determine which one is most appropriate for your objectives.

best website builders

WYSIWYG Website Builders

The famous phrase “What you see is what you get” (WYSIWYG) has earned its favorite acronym due to its enduring popularity.

Plus, these website builders give you a live preview of your site as it’s built, so you can see exactly how it will look when published.

Most WYSIWYG builders work with drag and drop, which means you can click and hold to move elements around the page.

This makes them user-friendly even for those with no coding or design experience.

Some popular WYSIWYG website builders include:

Template-Based Website Builders

As the name suggests, template-based website builders allow you to create a website by choosing from pre-made templates.

Template-based builders are still very user-friendly. However, restrict the ability to customize your site as you would with a WYSIWYG builder.

Best of all, they allow you to create a professional-looking website without design experience.

Some popular template-based website builders include:

Code-Free Website Builders

No-code website builders are similar to WYSIWYG builders in giving you a live preview of your site as you build it.

However, unlike WYSIWYG builders, no-code builders don’t require you to know coding or HTML.

This makes them even easier to use than WYSIWYG builders, and they’re perfect for those who want to build a website without any technical knowledge.

Some popular no-code website builders include:

CMS-Based Website Builders

CMS stands for “content management system.” These website builders are designed for businesses that need to regularly update their websites with new content, mainly blog posts or product pages.

CMS-based builders usually have built-in features that make adding and managing your content accessible.

They also usually have a wide selection of templates, so you can create a professional-looking website without design experience.

Some popular CMS-based website builders include:

With knowledge of each type of website builder at your fingertips, it’s time to make an informed decision and choose the one that best suits your needs.

First, from your needs and preferences, select the builder that best meets those needs.

Then all you have to do is create the perfect website for your business.

Also, Read GrooveFunnels Review: Start A Business For Free

Standard Features Every Website Builder Must Have

Although countless website builders are available to assemble your perfect website, some have different levels of quality.

There are certain features that every good website builder should have to provide the best user experience possible.

Here are some standard features that every site builder

We must have the following:

Ease Of Use

Creating a website should be a simple and easy process. A good website builder will be user-friendly and allow even those without prior experience to quickly create a professional-looking website.

The top website builders boast an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, allowing the swift creation of a beautiful site with minimal effort.


Your website should be able to grow as your business grows.

A good website builder will offer a variety of features and customization options so you can create a website that is perfect for your current needs and how it grows over time.

For a website builder, flexibility is vital. Your users should be able to easily create a website that looks the way they want without running into any obstacles.

That’s why you must ensure your platform is as flexible as possible. For example, offering a wide range of templates and features and allowing users to customize their site to their liking.

The more flexible your platform, the happier your users will be. Satisfied users are more likely to stay and continue using your service.

So if you want your users to return, ensure your website builder is as flexible as possible. The benefits will be long-lasting!


If you have any problems creating or editing your website, you should be able to get help quickly from the website builder’s customer support team.

Additionally, top builders will offer 24/7 live chat support to answer your questions immediately.

Once your choice is set, and to get the best value for your hard-earned money, know that this is where customer support comes in.

You can contact customer support if you have questions or issues with your website builder.

They should be there to help you solve problems, advise you on using the platform, and answer all your questions.

Good customer support is essential for any website builder. You want to be able to reach them quickly and get helpful, quick responses.

Look for a website builder that offers 24/7 live chat, email, or phone support. And be sure to read online reviews before making your final decision.

Affordable Pricing

Creating a website should be relatively inexpensive.

A good website builder will offer a variety of pricing plans to suit all budgets, with some even offering free programs, for those who need a simple website.

Here are a few key reasons affordability is so important to website builders.

First, you only have a little extra money to spend when starting your online presence.

Second, even if you have money to spend, you want to save it on something other than a website builder that doesn’t meet your needs.

Many affordable website builders can provide everything you need to create a great website.

Finally, an affordable website builder will allow you to scale your website as your business grows.

If you start with a cheap option, you will quickly be limited in what you do. However, plan switching and pricing options should be available.


There’s no denying that your website looks great on all devices in today’s mobile world.

A good website builder will automatically create a responsive design that will look great on smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Consider these points if you must be more convinced that your website should be mobile-optimized.

  • Mobile devices are becoming the primary way people access the internet.
  • As mobile and tablet internet usage is continuously rising, designing your website with these users in mind is essential. If your site isn’t mobile-friendly, you could be missing out on a lot of potential customers. 
  • A mobile-friendly site provides a better user experience.
  • A mobile-friendly website is easier to navigate and use, which leads to a better overall user experience.

Search Engine Optimization

A good website builder will include basic SEO features to help your site rank higher in search engines like Google.

SEO is essential for any website to rank well in search engines.

The best website builders include built-in SEO features that help you optimize your website for better search engine visibility.

As the Internet becomes more competitive, it’s more important than ever for website builders to ensure their sites are optimized for search engine rankings.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, makes your site appear high in search results.

Several factors go into SEO, from the keywords you use on your site to how your pages are linked.

The potential gains you can make by optimizing your website for search engine optimization are huge!

You will start attracting more visitors and gaining the recognition that goes with it. It will be worth all the effort!

Drag And Drop Functionality

Drag and drop functionality is a must for any good website builder.

It allows you to easily add, remove or rearrange elements on your website.

Users can easily add and move elements on their webpage by dragging and dropping them into place. All this without worrying about coding.

It’s a more user-friendly approach than manually inserting code, which makes building a website much faster and easier.

Drag and drop functionality is essential for those building a website for the first time.

It’s a huge time saver, making building a website much more manageable for those new to the process.

Responsive Templates

More and more people are using mobile devices to browse the web.

That’s why choosing a website builder with responsive templates is crucial, so your website looks flawless on all devices.

E-Commerce Functionality

You need a website builder with eCommerce functionality to sell products or services online.

Look for features like shopping carts, product pages, and payment processing options.

In the modern world, e-commerce is no longer an option for businesses – it’s necessary.

Businesses, to stay competitive, must have an online presence to sell their products and services.

Countless website-building platforms now offer e-commerce functionality, making it easy for entities of all sizes to create digital stores and start selling products worldwide.

Fortunately, this technology is available!

Loading Speed

Websites that take too long to load can scare away visitors.

This is why selecting a website builder with a fast loading speed is imperative.

The loading speed of your website affects the user experience.

If your site takes less time to load, people are less likely to stay and explore rather than click.

The most reliable website builders are designed to ensure your site is both speedy and powerful- no matter where your users may be. This way, you can guarantee a seamless loading experience for all.


A good website builder should offer various integrations with third-party services.

This can make adding features like contact forms, social media buttons, and e-commerce functionality to your site easier.

Selecting the right website builder can be challenging, so we’ve compiled this helpful guide to the top-rated options. With our list, narrowing down your choices has never been easier!

We’ll talk about the best website builder and give you an overview of its features, price, ease of use, and 15 alternatives to find the best one for you!

So, if you’re ready to start building your website, keep reading.

Wix The Best Website Builder?

With Wix website builder, you can create a professional website in minutes without prior experience or design skills.

In addition, Wix provides a complimentary trial, enabling you to explore it before investing in a paid plan.

Wix is the best website builder for several reasons:

  • It is easy to use. Even if you have never built a website before, you can create a beautiful site with Wix. The platform is very user-friendly and intuitive, so you won’t get frustrated or stuck trying to figure things out.
  • It has excellent features. Wix offers everything you need to create a professional website, including templates, designs, drag-and-drop editing, and more. Plus, there are no limits on what you can do with your site – you can add an online store, blog, booking system, and more.
  • It is affordable. Wix has various pricing plans, so you can find one that fits your budget. Signing up for a yearly plan will give you a free domain name and discounts on other premium features.
  • It offers excellent customer service to fix problems while using Wix. Their helpful customer service team is always available to assist you with any difficulties and help turn your website dreams into reality.

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Alternatives To The Best Website Builder

Here are 15 best website builders alternatives to Wix:

Best Website Builders for Artists

Aspiring artists, if you want to reveal your artistry online, there are multiple website builders available that will assist you in creating a stunning portfolio site.

Weebly and Squarespace are two of the best website builders for artists, as they both have themes designed explicitly for showcasing art and photography.

Both also offer drag-and-drop editors, making it easy to customize your website and create a custom portfolio without coding knowledge. Additionally, they provide eCommerce solutions so artists can quickly sell their work online. 

Best Free Website Builders for Small Businesses 

Small business owners who are tech-savvy may prefer WordPress, while those with limited coding experience may be better off using Wix or Weebly.

The Best Website Builders for Small Businesses

The Best Website Builders for E-commerce

1. Shopify – Offers an extensive range of features and tools for all businesses, from small ones to larger enterprises.

2. Wix – Provides an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor with integrated eCommerce tools in their entry-level plan.

3. BigCommerce – Includes various features, such as real-time shipping calculations and one-page checkout.

4. Weebly – Offers a range of templates and customization options with their drag-and-drop editor, including an eCommerce plan.

5. GoDaddy – Features an intuitive interface for creating product pages, managing inventory, and more in its entry-level plan.

6. Squarespace – Offers great eCommerce features such as abandoned cart emails, promotional banners, and more in their business plans.

7. WordPress – Provides a range of e-commerce solutions with its powerful plugin library, from PayPal integration to WooCommerce.

Best Website Builders for Online Stores

1. Shopify – offers a comprehensive e-commerce solution with powerful tools, features, and integrations. 

2. BigCommerce – provides advanced features such as coupons, discounts, and loyalty programs.

3. Wix – makes it easy to create an online store with its drag-and-drop editor and dedicated e-commerce plan.

4. Squarespace – offers a comprehensive e-commerce solution with features including customer accounts, discounts, and abandoned cart recovery.

5. Weebly – provides an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, various payment options, and e-commerce integrations.

6. GoDaddy – offers a user-friendly website builder and an e-commerce plan with features such as product pages and checkout forms.

7. WooCommerce – an open-source plugin for WordPress that provides a wide range of features and customization options.

The Best Website Builders for Blogging

1. WordPress – offers powerful features, customization options, and support resources to build a blog quickly and easily.

2. Weebly – provides an easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor with various design options and features.

3. Wix – offers an intuitive blog editor with a range of customizable templates to create a unique design.

4. Squarespace – provides numerous blogging features, including custom comment systems and RSS feeds.

5. GoDaddy – offers various content management tools and an integrated blog section for easy publishing.

6. WordPress – Popular Website Builder 

WordPress is a popular choice for website building. With drag-and-drop editing, e-commerce functions, extensive themes, and many pricing plans to fit any budget, there’s much to consider when deciding if WordPress suits you.

WordPress has many features that can help bring your website to life, from building custom themes to creating an online store.

Most Popular FAQ’s

Which is the best site to build a website?

The best website builder for you largely depends on your specific needs and goals. For example, some businesses prefer Shopify, while those with limited coding experience may be better off using Wix or Weebly. Weighing the cost and features of each platform is critical to deciding which one will suit you best.

The easiest website builder for beginners?

The easiest website builder for beginners is Wix. It offers a simple drag-and-drop editor, hundreds of templates, and affordable plans with all the features you need to create a successful website. Additionally, Wix’s customer service team is available 24/7 to provide helpful advice or answer any questions.

What is the most popular website-building platform?

The most popular website-building platform is WordPress. It’s used by millions of people and businesses around the world to create stunning websites and blogs. With its powerful features, customization options, and extensive themes library, it’s easy to see why many choose WordPress as their website builder. Furthermore, it provides e-commerce integrations with various payment alternatives and advanced SEO and analytics tools to maximize your website’s potential. What’s more, WordPress is an open-source platform, so it’s free to use.

Is Squarespace better than Wix?

The answer to this largely depends on your specific needs. For example, Squarespace is a great website builder with powerful features, including many e-commerce integrations and customer accounts. Wix, on the other hand, provides an intuitive drag-and-drop editor with hundreds of beautiful templates to choose from. It also offers advanced features like AI-powered design tools and various payment options.

Is there a free website builder?

Yes, there are several free website builders available. The most popular options include WordPress, Weebly, Wix, and Jimdo. While they offer a free plan with limited features, they also have paid plans that provide more advanced options, such as custom domain names and e-commerce integrations. Additionally, many of them offer discounts and free trials to help you get started.

Are website builders secure?

Most website builders provide secure hosting options with SSL encryption and other security features. However, it is vital to research each platform’s offerings before deciding, as not all offer the same protection level. Also, keep your website updated with the latest security patches and updates your chosen platform provides. Finally, choose the website builder that works for you and keep it secure with regular updates and maintenance.

What is the most user-friendly website builder?

The most user-friendly website builder is Wix. It offers a simple drag-and-drop editor, hundreds of templates, and affordable plans with all the features you need to create a successful website. Additionally, Wix’s customer service team is available 24/7 to provide helpful advice or answer any questions.

What is the best website builder for search engine optimization (SEO)?

The best website builder for SEO is WordPress. This popular platform offers powerful features to help boost your rankings, including easy customization options and support for plugins like Yoast SEO or Rank Math. Additionally, its wide range of themes can be optimized for search engines, so you don’t have to worry about coding your website. WordPress also offers a variety of tools and tutorials to help you maximize your SEO efforts.

Which website builder is the simplest to use?

The most straightforward website builder to use is Wix.

The best website builder for beginners?

It is probably Wix. Its intuitive drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to create beautiful websites without any coding or design knowledge. With hundreds of templates, powerful features, and an extensive library of support resources, Wix is the perfect platform for anyone wanting to start building their website.

Which website builder is best for e-commerce?

The best website builder for e-commerce is Shopify. This platform offers a range of powerful features, including automated shipping options, payment and customer accounts, and secure hosting. Additionally, with an extensive catalog of themes and extensions, Shopify makes creating a beautiful site and managing your products easy.

Which website builder for small businesses is the best choice?

For small businesses, the best choice for small businesses is Wix. It offers everything you need to create a professional-looking website in minutes, including powerful marketing tools and custom domains.

In conclusion, which website builder you should choose will depend on your needs and budget requirements. The best website builder is out there – all that’s left to do is find it!

First, consider the most essential features, such as e-commerce capabilities, mobile-friendliness, or SEO optimization.

Then, once you’ve narrowed down your list of options, compare the features, pricing, and customer service each platform offers.

Armed with this info, you can confidently select the most suitable website builder for your needs.

Thanks for reading!

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