marketing automation in crm

Best Marketing Automation In CRM Plus 14 Alternatives

Businesses can automate their marketing and sales operations with marketing automation in CRM software.

By automating repetitive tasks, such as email marketing, social media campaigns, and targeted ads, enterprises spare precious hours and resources for more efficiency.

There are several platforms on the market, each with its unique features.

To help you choose the best marketing automation in CRM for your business, we’ve compiled a list of the top 14 alternatives and their key features and pricing.

What Is Marketing Automation In CRM?

marketing automation in crm

It is a technology that automates the marketing and sales processes. It is designed for companies to increase conversions and productivity. 

In CRM systems, you can automate multiple marketing activities typically handled by staff members. This can include lead generation, email marketing, lead nurturing, social media campaigns, and more activities. 

By automating these functions, businesses safeguard their resources that would otherwise be spent on manual assignments. 

Additionally, it can help companies improve their activities’ effectiveness by giving them insights into their advertising campaigns.

These types of softwares are available on the market, each with its features and capabilities.

Therefore, when choosing a marketing automation platform, needless to say, consider your specific needs and requirements.

Another interesting read: Build Better Websites & Funnels

Benefits Of Marketing Automation In CRM

Some benefits of using a CRM are that it can help you streamline your efforts and boost your overall ROI.

It is a great way to control your consumer-reaching actions. You can systematically deliver content to your prospects from their behavior or interactions.

Detailed of the Most Notable Benefits Are as Follows:

Increased Efficiency

It helps you automate repetitive duties to focus on more lucrative assignments. 

Improved Customer Segmentation

It assists you in segmenting your customers more effectively to target them accurately with your advertisements.

Sales And Marketing Alignment

It ensures that your sales and marketing squads work together towards common goals. In addition, you can avoid silos between departments and maintain a cohesive approach by having a visual of each group’s workflow achievement and progress.

Improved Customer Experience

You can deliver a distinct response to your customers at every stage of their journey. From automated welcome emails to targeted blog posts and offers, you can nurture your leads with relevant information that helps move them through your sales funnel.

Increased ROI

It frees your sales teams to focus on more strategic goals by allowing you to automate time-consuming duties. It will help you increase your conversion rates and to maximize your ROI.

Improved Efficiency

It allows you to track and measure your results to determine what’s working and what isn’t. With this information, you may fine-tune and strive to maximize your performance. 

Third-Party Integration Categories Of Marketing Automation In CRM

There are several sorts of integrations to CRM marketing automation that you may explore.

Here are some of the most frequent. From which you can set campaigns and rules accordingly when leads buy a product from your online store:

  1. EmailThe most basic and commonly used form is email integration. It allows you to pre-program and systematically sends emails established on your specific criteria. 
  2. SMSYou may use SMS mobile software to broadcast text messages ruled on certain conditions. 
  3. Social Media: This synchronization allows you to systematically post information to your different media profiles on your conditions. For example, it could be ruled out to directly assign an update to your Facebook page after someone buys something.
  4. Web Tracking: This application allows you to track your website traffic based on customizable rules. For example, you can set it up, so it follows consumers’ actions when they visit your website.
  5. Lead Scoring: It allows you to assess your contacts according to your specifications. 
  6. Reporting and Analytics: They will let you generate extensive data such as reports and analytics regulated on your preferences. You may use these applications to get notified after a sale.

Another interesting read: GrooveFunnels Review: Start A Business For Free

Other CRM Types of Integrations

marketing automation in crm

There are also other types of marketing automation in CRM add-ons that you can consider from which advertising type could be created to add the clients to your store after buying. 

These include but are not limited to:


When connected, you can automatically add clients to your e-commerce. 

Some benefits of integrating e-commerce and marketing automation include:

Increased conversions: Tracking behavior and customer data increase the likelihood that customers will make a purchase.

Improved customer retention: With it, you can send specific campaigns to customers based on their behaviors and preferences. This helps to keep leads engaged with your brand and decreases the likelihood of churn.

* Increased order value: By understanding which items shoppers are interested in, you can make accurate recommendations that could instigate larger orders.

Automatization can be a powerful application for e-commerce businesses. If you’re not using it already, consider connecting your store to an automated marketing system.

Apart from that, you may miss out on a lot of money.


Automatically, it will add shoppers to your CRM platform. 

Some benefits of integrating CRM and marketing automation include:

– Improved Customer Retention: By keeping your clients updated on new products, features, and services they may be interested in, you can keep them engaged with your brand. Additionally, by understanding their purchase history and preferences, you can make specific suggestions to keep them coming back for more.

– Increased Sales: You can free up your marketing staff to focus on closing deals. Additionally, by providing your agents with the information they need when they need it, you can help them win more business.

– Improved Customer Insights: You can get a 360-degree view of your leads by integrating your CRM and marketing automatization platforms. This comprehensive view will help you better understand their needs and how to best serve them.

– Increased Efficiency: When automating your processes, you can eliminate manual tasks to be more efficient. Additionally, by integrating your CRM and marketing automation platforms, you can automate data transfer between the two softwares, further improving efficiency.

– Reduced Costs: It can help reduce the costs associated with manual jobs. Additionally, integrating your CRM and marketing automation platforms can help you avoid duplicate data entry and eliminate the need for manual data transfer.

Integrating CRM and marketing automation can provide your business with several advantages. However, it’s essential to remember that these gains won’t be realized overnight.

Instead, they should be viewed as long-term goals that will be achieved after a while as you continue to use and refine your procedure.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

It will systematically add consumers to your ERP system after purchase.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a software suite that integrates various business functions, such as finance, accounting, manufacturing, and customer relationship management (CRM).

ERP systems are essential for businesses because they provide a centralized database that can be accessed by all organization members. This allows for greater accuracy in business operations.

Some outcomes of using an ERP system include: 

  • Improved coordination between departments
  • Better decision-making due to increased visibility into organizational data
  • Reduced operational costs
  • Improved customer service

Some outcomes of integrating ERP and marketing automation include:

  • Improved customer insight
  • Increased efficiency in marketing and sales activities

Standard Advanced Features Every Marketing Automation In CRM Should Have

When trying to find the best software to integrate marketing automation, it can be tricky to figure out where to start. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. 

In this article, we’ll run through some key features that every good automation software should have.

By the end, you’ll have a better idea of what to look for in a CRM marketing automatization platform, and you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect one for your needs. 

So without further ado, let’s jump in.

Lead Scoring

The technique of assigning a number to each contact is called lead scoring. Set upon certain norms such as demographics, interests, and history.

This score is then used to determine who is ready to be passed on to sales.

There are two kinds: static and dynamic lead scoring.

Static originated on factors that never change, such as job title or location.

Dynamic, on the other hand, consider factors that can change eventually, such as website activity or engagement with email marketing campaigns.

It helps businesses prioritize which leads are more likely to convert into buyers.

Bypassing leads that are not yet ready to buy is a time-saving factor and helps to avoid frustrating potential customers with too many interactions too soon.

In addition, it can be used to identify when a consumer is ready to be reached by a sales representative.

For example, if a person’s score reaches a certain threshold, that person can be automatically added to a remote sales rep’s contact list.

There are several advantages to it, including:

● improved effectiveness and productivity of sales crew

● more qualified individuals being passed to sales

● better ROI from campaigns

● deeper insight into customer behavior

It can be implemented in some ways, but the most important thing is, to begin with, a clear understanding of your buyer persona.

Then, once you know your ideal customer, you can identify the factors most likely to indicate a readiness to buy.

Once you have defined and noted down these factors, you can first assign numerical values to them.

For example, you might give a person a score of +1 if they have visited your pricing page, +2 if they have downloaded a brochure, and +3 if they have requested a demo.

You can also use negative values to indicate when someone is no longer engaged.

For example, you might give a shopper a score of -1 if they unsubscribe from your email list or -2 if they stop responding to your sales calls.

It is entirely up to you how complex or simple it is. The crucial first step is to undergo the basics and adjust your procedure as you gain more expertise.

There are a number of these types of software on the market, but not all are created equal.

Here are some of the finest ones to consider:

Scoreboard: Scoreboard uses machine learning to assign scores to leads.

LeadGnome: Integrates with your CRM and tracks email replies to score real-time guests.

Pardot and HubSpot: These are sales intelligence softwares that include lead scoring as one of their core and many features.

The best marketing automation for CRM should include a lead scoring system, most will come with some form of built-in application, so this is something to look out for.

Lead Nurturing

It creates relationships with buyers at every sale funnel stage, delivering the information and resources they need to move down the funnel.

You can turn casual shoppers into happy customers by providing personalized messages and an individual experiment for each buyer.

With it, you’ll be able to

  • Establish relationships with more people
  • Make sure you’re communicating the correct message to the proper individual at the optimum time
  • Generate more qualified consumers
  • Close more deals

It works by building a relationship with a prospect promptly. But, first, you’ll need to create a pinpointed topic that speaks to each stage of the buyer’s path and deliver it through a channel your buyers prefer.

The most important thing to remember is that you need to be patient. Rome wasn’t edified in a day, and neither were market relationships.

Nevertheless, you’ll slowly turn casual browsers into satisfied customers by delivering valuable text regularly.

It is also crucial to increase prospect relationships and generate more qualified purchasers. You may transform them into delighted clients by giving tailored information.

In addition, it is used to describe several methods for delivering content as lead magnets. The most crucial thing is to develop unique, relevant material that addresses each phase of the buyer’s path.

Then, you can provide it through email, media platforms, your website, or any channel your buyers prefer.

Here are some applicable guidelines to remember

  • Create bullseye content for each stage of the buyer’s journey
  • Deliver content through the channels that your buyers prefer
  • Personalize the context for each buyer
  • Be patient and consistent with your efforts

Lead Nurturing Tactics – Examples – Tips

There are a few different ways to nurture your contacts.

Here are a few of the most popular tactics:

  • Email Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Website Personalization
  • Marketing Automation


Here are a few examples in action:

-A real estate agent sends monthly emails to his tribe, sharing valuable insights about the local housing market.

-A SaaS company shares helpful blog posts on social media to help its target audience with their business challenges.

-A web design agency uses website personalization to show their website visitors relevant case studies and testimonials.

-An eCommerce store uses automatization to send abandoned cart emails to shoppers who have left items in their shopping carts.


Here are some things to think about

Be patient: It takes time, so be patient with your efforts.

Be consistent: Consistency is vital. By delivering valuable articles regularly, you’ll slowly but surely turn them into customers.

Test and measure: Always test and measure your efforts to see what’s working and what’s not. Over time, you may improve and maximize your results by testing and fine-tuning your technique.

Get creative: There are no rules for this, so get creative with your approach. Find the best method for you and your business in many ways to nurture your clientele.

By following these practices, tactics, examples, and tips, you’ll be well on your way to success and growth. It takes time, be patient; it’s well worth the effort.

Again, the best software will come with a built-in lead nurturing functionalities builder, which is something to look out for.

Email Marketing

Email marketing for reaching your customers is vital to any good marketing automation in a CRM system.

Email marketing is for sending pre-programmed transactional emails to your contacts based on your standard.

You can also schedule the account to send a welcome message to new users or a marketing email to active customers.

It’s a fantastic method to market your items and services. Email marketing is an excellent approach to staying in touch with your people while promoting your products and services.

Campaign Management

It is another feature to look out for. You can plan, execute, and follow campaign management from beginning to end.

This is important since it lets you see which are performing well and which need improvement.

It also lets you track your return on investment (ROI) to see which campaigns are the most profitable.

Reporting And Analytics

Reporting and analytics are other essential features of any good marketing automation in CRM software.

You can monitor your progress and evaluate your effectiveness using it.

It is essential since it allows you to assess your results, identify what works and doesn’t, and make data-driven marketing decisions.

Most good marketing automation tools will come with a dedicated form of reporting and analytics built-in, so this is something to search for.

Price Plan

The best marketing automation in CRM softwares offers a free trial, but you’ll usually have to pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee.

Make sure you can easily upgrade plans if needed. Different strategies have varying prices, so selecting an affordable one with a quick learning curve is a good idea.

The more features a software offers, the more costly it is.

The expected price ranges from $10-$200/month.

So, if you don’t need all the bells and whistles, you can save money by choosing a more straightforward software.

Ease Of Use

Ease of use is also a consideration when selecting this marketing system.

You want to choose an intuitive application to be able to set up quickly and see results shortly.

Most good marketing automation tools are relatively easy to use, but some are easier than others.

If you’re stumped about which one to select, check out what other consumers have written about it.

Customer Support

Customer support is not to be neglected. You want to choose a tool with good customer assistance service, so you can get help if you run into any technical issues.

On average automated tools will have some form of customer assistance, but some are better than others.

Payment Options

Another critical consideration is payment options and various paid plans. You want to choose a tool that offers multiple payment gateways that are convenient for you.

Best tools will accept several credit cards and other services such as PayPal.

Free Trial

If you’re unsure which software to choose, it’s a good idea to sign up for a free trial and see if it doesn’t lack your requirements.

Whatever your budget is or what features you need, there’s marketing automation in CRM tools, including the customization level that’s right for you.

Again, to resume, consider the price, ease of use, customer support, and free trial.

Considering all these factors, you can find your company’s best marketing automation in CRM tools.

Another interesting read: Top Ten CRM Software Platforms

Here is my best Marketing Automation In CRM, plus 14 alternatives you may want to learn about.

Nutshell: (Best For B2B Teams)

What Is Nutshell?

  • Compared to other brands and providers, Nutshell is a well-built and comprehensive web and mobile sales and marketing solution with many features, making it perfect for any organization’s size.
  • What sets Nutshell apart is its ability to be completely integrated with your front-end contact collection process. Additionally, it seamlessly incorporates new consumers and opportunities into its industry-leading reporting and sales softwares.
  • This makes it easy to manage customers throughout the entire acquisition process and view detailed analytical data for your firm.
  • Furthermore, Nutshell’s filtering capabilities are second to none.
  • The platform’s tags and custom field forms allow you to group and segment your shoppers by any imaginable attributes. At the same time, the interactive map feature lets you identify all your buyers in a given geographic area and export them into segmented groups with just one click.
  • No other marketing automation solution on the market comes close to matching Nutshell’s versatility and functionality.
  • Pricing for Nutshell starts at just $16 per user per month for the Starter plan and $42 per month for the Pro annual plans.
  • Free 14-day Trial For Each Plan
  • Considering all that Nutshell has to offer, it is highly reasonably priced, making the platform accessible to businesses of all budgets.

Start Your Free 14-day Trial or Visit Website.

A- Listing Table Of The Best Marketing Automation In CRM Alternatives

COMPANIES Annual Plans Billed Monthly / Per User     
1. HubSpot Sales
(Best For Scaling Businesses)
FreeStarterProfessionalEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-Day Trial
Visit Website
2. Pipedrive
(Best For Small Businesses Without Experience)
EssentialAdvancedProfessionalEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-Day Trial
Visit Website
3. Keap CRM AKA Infusionsoft)
(Best For Business Owners)
ProMaxMax ClassicFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-day Trial
Visit Website
$129$199Ask Sales 14-day
4. Agile CRM (Best For Small Businesses 1 to 50 Employees)FreeRegularEnterpriseFree Trial
Sign Up To Your Free Account
Visit Website
$0$29.99$47.99 NO
5. Salesforce Sales Cloud
(Best For Managing Accounts)
EssentialsProfessionalEnterpriseUnlimitedFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-day Trial
Visit Website
6. Zoho CRM
(Best For SMBs)
StandardProfessionalEnterpriseUltimateFree Trial
Start Your Free 15-day Trial
Visit Website
7. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales (Best For Enterprises)PremiumProfessionalEnterpriseRelationships SalesFree Trial
Start Your Free 30-day Trial
Visit Website
8. Freshsales CRM
(Best For Large Sales Teams)
FreeGrowthProEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-day Trial
Visit Website
9. SugarCRM (Best For Small Growing Business)SellServeEnterpriseMarketFree Trial
Start Your Free 7-Day Trial
Visit Website
10. Vtiger CRM
(Best For StartUps)
One Pilot
Free Plan
One ProfessionalOne EnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 15-Day Trial
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$20-Single App
$20-Single App
11. KomoCRM (Best For Businesses 1-50 Employees)BaseAdvancedEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-Day Trial
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$15$25$45 14-day
12. Pipedrive CRM (Best User-Friendly For Small Businesses)EssentialAdvancedProfessionalEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 14-Day Trial
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13. Capsule CRM (Best Easy to Use CRM For SMBs)ProfessionalTeamsEnterpriseFree Trial
Start Your Free 30-Day Trial
Visit Website
$18$36$54 30-day
14. Salesforce Essential (formerly RelateIQ) (Best For Small Business Solutions)EssentialsProfessionalServiceAccount ManagerFree Trial
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Nutshell Alternatives Table

Marketing Automation In CRM Comparison

Offering Free CRM Account And Free Trial:

  • Hubspot Sales
  • Agile CRM
  • Freshsales CRM
  • Vtiger CRM

By PricesCheapest To Most Expensive CRM Plus Free Trial

The More Expensive The More Functionalities

  • Pipedrive CRM ► $12.50/mo per user
  • Zoho CRM ► $14/mo per user
  • Amo CRM ► $15/mo per user
  • Capsule CRM ► $18/mo per user
  • Salesforce Sales Cloud ► $25/mo per user
  • Sugar CRM ► $49/mo per user
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 ► $52/mo per user
  • Keap ► $129/mo per user

Another interesting read:

º Keap Infusionsoft | AIO Email CRM & Sales Automation

º Best Software For CRM Plus 14 Alternatives

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