
Top 10 Membership Site Software Platforms for Building Exclusive Online Communities

In today’s digital age, membership sites have gained immense popularity to foster exclusive online communities, offer premium content, and generate recurring revenue.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, educator, or content creator, choosing the right membership site software is crucial to establishing and managing a thriving online community.

This article presents the top 10 membership site software platforms, guiding you through their features, pricing, and user testimonials to assist you in making an informed decision.

Before we dive into the details, here are some quick tips to consider when selecting the perfect membership site software for your needs:

Quick Tips for Choosing The Best Membership Site Software Platform

1. Define Your Goals: Begin by outlining your objectives for the membership site. Are you looking to monetize your content, build a community, or offer exclusive resources?

2. Budget and Scalability: Assess your budget and the growth potential. Choose a software that aligns with your current financial resources and can scale as your membership grows.

3. Customization and Branding: Consider how much control you need over the design and branding of your site. Some platforms offer extensive customization options, while others are more standardized.

4. Content Protection and Security: Prioritize platform security. Choose a provider with robust measures to protect content and members’ data.

5. Integration Options: Check if the software integrates seamlessly with your preferred tools and payment gateways.

Now, let’s explore the top 10 membership site software platforms in detail:


Podcast Introduction To Our 10 Membership Site Software Platforms




Overview: The popular WordPress plugin MemberPress provides a complete solution for building and administering membership sites.

It has a reputation for having an easy-to-use user interface and seamless WordPress integration.

Key Features:

  • Content Protection: Restrict access to content based on membership levels.
  • Payment Gateway Integration: Supports various payment gateways, including PayPal and Stripe.
  • Drip Content: Schedule content releases for members over time.
  • Customizable Pricing: Create multiple membership tiers with unique pricing.
  • Detailed Reporting: Gain insights into your site’s performance with detailed reports.

MemberPress Pricing Plans: MemberPress offers four pricing plans:

1. Basic: $179.50/year

2. Plus: $299.50/year

3. Pro: $399.50/year

4. Elite: $499.50/year



  • User-friendly interface
  • Reliable customer support
  • Integration with various WordPress plugins


  • Limited email marketing capabilities
  • Basic integrations compared to standalone platforms


Overview: Teachable is a dedicated platform for creating and selling online courses.

Although designed primarily for educators, it can also create membership sites with educational content.

Key Features:

  • Course Builder: Easily create and manage courses with multimedia content.
  • Sales and Marketing Tools: Use built-in tools for promotions and sales tracking.
  • Custom Domain: Connect your custom domain for branding.
  • Multiple Pricing Tiers: Offer different membership levels with unique pricing.
  • Discussion Forums: Foster engagement through integrated forums.

Pricing: Teachable offers three pricing plans:

1. Basic: $39/month

2. Pro: $119/month

3. Pro+: $199/month

Teachable Annual Pricing Plans


  • Intuitive course creation tools
  • Strong sales and marketing features
  • Reliable hosting and support


  • Limited design customization on lower-tier plans
  • Transaction fees on the Basic plan

Learn More About: What is Teachable Best Used For and How


Overview: Kajabi is a comprehensive platform that caters to the needs of online course creators, coaches, and entrepreneurs.

It offers membership site capabilities along with marketing and sales tools.

Key Features:

  • Course Creation: Build engaging courses with multimedia content.
  • Email Marketing: Send automated email campaigns to nurture your audience.
  • Website Builder: Create custom landing pages and websites.
  • Community Building: Foster community engagement with discussion features.
  • Analytics: Gain insights into member behavior and course performance.

Pricing: Kajabi offers three pricing plans:

1. Basic: $119/month

2. Growth: $159/month

3. Pro: $319/month

Kajabi Annual Pricing Plans


  • All-in-one platform with diverse features
  • High-quality customer support
  • Extensive customization options


  • Pro plan can be pricey for smaller businesses
  • Learning curve for beginners


Overview: Podia is an easy-to-use platform for creating and selling online courses, memberships, and digital downloads.

It simplifies the process of launching and managing your online business.

Key Features:

  • Membership Sites: Create and manage exclusive membership communities.
  • Course Creation: Build and sell online courses with multimedia content.
  • Email Marketing: Send newsletters and drip campaigns.
  • Built-in Messaging: Communicate directly with your members.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Recruit affiliates to promote your products.

Pricing: Podia offers three pricing plans:

1. Starter: $4/month

2. Mover: $33/month

3. Shaker: $59/month

Podia Annual Pricing Plans


  • User-friendly interface for beginners
  • Reasonable pricing for feature set
  • Excellent customer support


  • Limited features on the Mover plan
  • No free plan available


Overview: Thinkific is a versatile online course platform supporting membership sites.

It empowers content creators to share their knowledge with the world.

Key Features:

  • Course Builder: Create and deliver engaging online courses.
  • Membership Sites: Build exclusive communities with varied content.
  • Sales and Marketing Tools: Promote and sell your content effectively.
  • Customization: Personalize the look and feel of your site.
  • Analytics: Track member engagement and course performance.

Pricing: Thinkific offers five pricing plans:

1. Free

2. Basic: $36/month

3. Start: $74/month

4. Grow: $149/month

5. Plus: For Businesses (Contact Support)

Thinkific Annual Pricing Plans


  • Free plan available for beginners
  • Strong course creation and marketing features
  • Multiple pricing tiers to suit various needs


  • Limited customization options on lower-tier plans
  • Higher pricing for the Premier plan

Wild Apricot

Overview: Wild Apricot is a membership management software for clubs, associations, and nonprofits.

It streamlines member registration, events, and communications.

Key Features:

  • Membership Management: Easily manage member profiles and renewals.
  • Event Management: Create and promote events for your community.
  • Website Builder: Build a custom website for your organization.
  • Online Payments: Accept online payments for memberships and events.
  • Email Marketing: Send newsletters and updates to members.

Pricing: Wild Apricot offers 7 pricing tiers on a monthly, pre-pay annual (10% discount), or bi-annual pre-pay (15% discount).

1. Personal: $60/month

2. Group: $49/month

3. Communauty: $140/month

4. Professionnal: $240/month

5. Networtk: $440/month

6. Enterprise: $530/month

7. Global: $900/month

WildApricot Pricing Plans


  • Ideal for nonprofit organizations
  • User-friendly membership management tools
  • Budget-friendly pricing options


  • Limited scalability for larger communities
  • Limited design customization


Overview: Memberful is a membership platform that integrates seamlessly with your existing website.

It’s known for its simplicity and ease of use.

Key Features:

  • Integration: Easily add membership functionality to your website.
  • Payment Processing: Accept payments via Stripe or PayPal.
  • Content Protection: Restrict access to exclusive content.
  • Drip Content: Release content to members over time.
  • Email Marketing: Integrate with email platforms like Mailchimp.

Pricing: Memberful offers three pricing plans:

1. Starter: $0/month

2. Pro: $25/month

3. Premium: $100/month

Memberful Pricing Plans


  • Easy Integration with existing websites
  • User-friendly setup and management
  • Reliable content protection


  • Limited features on the Starter plan
  • Higher pricing for the Pro plan


  • Overview: Substack is a platform for creating newsletters and paid membership sites.
  • Key Features:
  • Newsletter Creation: Build and send newsletters to your audience.
  • Paid Memberships: Charge subscribers for premium content.
  • Audience Growth Tools: Promote your content and grow your subscriber base.
  • Analytics: Track the performance of your newsletter and membership site.

Pricing: Substack offers a free plan and takes a 10% fee on paid subscriptions.

Substack Pricing


  • Simple and user-friendly platform
  • Built-in payment handling for memberships
  • Suitable for writers and newsletter creators


  • Limited customization options
  • Fee on paid subscriptions


Overview: Wix is a versatile website builder used to create membership sites.

The platform provides a variety of customizable website templates and features to choose from.

Key Features:

  • Website Builder: Create a visually appealing website with drag-and-drop tools.
  • Membership Site Integration: Add membership functionality using Wix apps.
  • Online Store: Sell products and subscriptions directly on your site.
  • Custom Domain: Connect your custom domain for branding.
  • Analytics: Monitor website traffic and user behavior.


Wix provides free and eight premium plans catering to different types of users.

Two categories of premium plans are available: Website Plans and Business and e-commerce Plans.

The plans are categorized based on the user’s need for an online store.

Wix Website Premium Pricing Plans US Currency

Free plan: $0

Light plan:  $16/month

Core plan: $27/month

Business: $32/month

Business Elite: $159/month

Enterprise: Custom pricing

Wix Pricing Plans CAD Currency

Wix pricing plans CA Currency

***Do not hesitate to visit the website to obtain the prices converted according to your currency.

Wix Business & E-commerce Plans include the following:

Business Basic: $27/month

Business Unlimited: $32/month

Business VIP: $59/month

Enterprise: Custom pricing


  • Versatile website builder with a range of templates
  • Easy to use, especially for beginners
  • Budget-friendly pricing options


  • Limited membership features compared to dedicated platforms
  • Costs may add up with additional apps

Mighty Networks

Overview: Mighty Networks is a community platform that combines membership, content, and community features.

Mighty is a platform that aims to assist creators in establishing their brand and fostering a strong bond with their audience.

Key Features:

  • Membership Features: Create and manage membership tiers.
  • Content Delivery: Offer courses, events, and community discussions.
  • Branding: Customize the look and feel of your community.
  • Payment Processing: Accept payments for memberships and content.
  • Community Building: Foster engagement and connections among members.

Pricing: Mighty Networks offers three pricing tiers:

1. Community: $33/month

2. Business: $99/month

3. Mighty Pro: Custom pricing

Mighty pricing plans


  • Comprehensive community features
  • Ideal for building brand-focused communities
  • Customizable for branding


  • Higher pricing for the Mighty Pro plan
  • Limited customization options on lower-tier plans

Membership Site Software Platforms Comparison Table

Software NamePopularityPricesWhat Sets Them Apart
MemberPressHigh$179.50 – $499.50/yearEasy-to-use WordPress plugin with content protection and drip content features
TeachableHigh$39 – $199/monthDedicated platform for online courses with strong sales and marketing tools
KajabiHigh$119 – $319/monthAll-in-one platform for online course creators, coaches, and entrepreneurs
PodiaMediumFree – Contact SupportEasy-to-use platform for online courses, memberships, and digital downloads
ThinkificHighFree – Contact SupportVersatile online course platform with multiple pricing tiers and customization options
Wild ApricotLow$60 – $900/monthMembership management software for clubs, associations, and nonprofits
MemberfulMedium$0 – $100/monthMembership platform that integrates seamlessly with existing websites
SubstackMediumFree + 10% fee on paid subscriptionsPlatform for creating newsletters and paid membership sites
WixHighWebsite: Free
$16 – $159/month – Custom pricing
Business & eCommerce:
$27 – $59/month – Custom pricing
Versatile website builder with membership site integration
Mighty NetworksMedium$33 – Custom pricingCommunity platform that combines membership, content, and community features

***Note that the prices may vary over time depending on your location and preferences.

How to Choose the Right Membership Site Software Platform

Now that we have explored the 10 best membership site software platforms choose, the one that best suits your needs and goals.

Here are some steps to help you make an informed decision:

  1. Identify Your Purpose: Describe your purpose for the membership site. Do you want to earn money from your content, create a community, or provide exclusive resources? Your purpose will influence your decision.
  2. Estimate Your Cost: Estimate your cost and growth potential. Choose a software that matches your current financial situation and can grow with your membership.
  3. Compare Customization: Compare how much customization you need over the design and branding of your site. Some platforms offer many customization options, while others are more uniform.
  4. Focus on Security: Focus on the software’s security features to protect your content and members’ data. Security is essential when managing membership sites.
  5. Examine Integration Options: If the software integrates well with your preferred tools and payment gateways. Smooth integration can improve your operations.


When creating and managing a successful membership site, you must consider your objectives, audience, and the features of different software platforms.

When selecting a membership site software platform, evaluating each of the top 10 options is essential based on your needs and preferences. 

Building a thriving online community and earning recurring revenue is easy with the right membership site software, whether you’re a creator, educator, or entrepreneur.

Start your journey today by selecting the software that best suits your goal.

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