marketing software or online strategy

Online Marketing Software Or Strategy & Skills

How Can You Tell If You Need More Online Marketing Software Or Marketing Strategy & Skills? 


marketing software for small business


Does it sound familiar?

Now you are probably thinking in doing something else like producing a few videos sales or maybe buy another software, and again will this bring any sales? 

Because at this point you are not only in doubt but also in loss, and asking yourself as to whether your website will ever be lucrative or not.

So do you actually have a plan for online software marketing strategies?

Statistics stipulate that a whopping  98% of all marketers don’t succeed into making it a profitable business. The tiny percentage left of them become successful.

So how and what in the world are you suppose to do to stand out of the crowd and undergo that success path?

Online Marketing Software

Well, this is where the technology comes into play. You can do everything manually but your will never catch up with online marketing software automation tools, and knowledge.

If you already are operating a small or large company, you’re making some profits, you have a sales team, you have a big list of customers, you must make use of an Internet marketing software automation, it is a must, period.

To learn more about the right automated marketing software and tools for your needs, just download our Free Automated Marketing Tools Comparison Guide.

You need to nurture your leads, get to know your customers, and the longevity of their life cycle and act upon their behavioral moves, for they bring your profit in.

Through the process of marketing automation platform all the aspects form the data of your marketing email and analytics reporting software will be taken care of.

No more none personalized email blasts ever, or irrelevant offers to your leads interest. This is what makes the difference between a successful or not online marketing business. Get the Free Automated Marketing Tools Guide.



7 Online Marketing Software Tools and Strategy

1. Do Your Products or Services Are What People Want?

If you are to sell, then you must know the most typed in keyword sentences the potential customer types into search engines when searching for what they want.

But how?…Can you tell?

Ever heard of Ubersuggest by Neil Patel? Do you know anything about the Free Google keyword suggestion tool?  

A good keyword tool will guide you along to sail not only through the competition but also to the perfect keyword targets for your products or services.

Ignore the keyword tools and tactics at your peril.

For most of the free keyword tools available, you won’t get full spec of features but it will allow you to understand the basics.  Get this part wrong and your website has very little to no chance to be found unless you’re very, very, very lucky!

If you can and intend to use a keyword tool at all times, think of investing for the long term.

Avoid the free tools. They may not yield much. Tools like ahref or Semrush or All-in-one SEO tool suite are worthy of commendation.  Of course if your budget allows it.

*** If you have no clue why you have no sales and what to do about it, what ever you’re doing stop right NOW and learn “WHY and HOW” right here.  Click here!

2. Don’t Get Crushed By The Competition

The best way to get crushed, it to try to optimize on the top competitive key word phrases, this is not going to do you any good. The competition for top keyword phrases is fierce.

It is the best way to break your ad budget in no time.  Trust me…mhhh been there!  Outch….

When buying traffic, the facts are for an average of 100 clicks, is one sale.  You can easily make a loss if you pay for 100 clicks that cost more than the profit margin of your product .  Look at the following examples.

ex.:  $100.00 Product Margin/$1.25 per click for 100 clicks =$125.00/Loss= -$25.00

ex.:  $100.00 Product Margin/$0.50 per click for 100 clicks= $50.00/Profit=$50.00

You need to know the competitiveness, the amount of the CPC (cost per click) and the volume of traffic in advance for your keywords if you are to pay for your traffic and generate a profit.  Even for organic traffic you need at least to know if there’s some volume.

Do a little research and discover profitable keywords related to your product and the perfect traffic method for your business.  Paying for traffic may not always be the best thing to do for what you have to offer.  Can you tell why and how?

If not and you’ve been online for a while or you’re just starting out and you really have no clue about the why and how, just like myself when I started,  I suggest to start right here.  It covers affiliate marketing but also how to sale any type of products or services.

This is a step-by-step blueprint program assisted by a guy that knows exactly what he is talking about. Hands down one of the best!

If you jump around the internet and try all that comes your way to understand this, you will get what is called info overload, get overwhelmed and soon become a part of the statistics that we discussed earlier on.

I’ve been there for  several years.  Not so proud to say it out loud but hey… today this program and most likely with Marcus’s support along the way, is responsible for you being right here, right now reading this blog post! mhhh,mhhh…

Get in business for real for the long term, knowing exactly the path to follow for success.  Click here!

3. Article Marketing Is A Prime Way To Online Marketing

Now a day article marketing for marketers is a popular and lucrative of a way to go for marketers. People are surfing the web for information.  Provide answers to their queries in articles and publish them, potential customers will find it.

If your information is good enough, the person will click the link you inserted within your article directing them to your site. You can get a tonne of traffic to your website doing so like actual marketers already do, and it’s all done for free.

Well written articles will sometimes give you more visitors than PPC campaign. It can sometimes be surprising and turn viral very fast!  You may be wondering how a ordinary guy or gal like you can become an author of articles.

Well you just don’t have to be an author to write good articles. A good software such as the has turned many ordinary guys and gals into ‘Expert Authors’. This tool will do all the research for you.

You only need to key in the main keywords for your article. Just personalize the information as to better suit your text with more powerful keywords. It is that simple.

The other option is to outsource to article writing services.  This site specializes in multiple writing services and  is doing an awesome job.

4. Create Enticing Sales Message

If you wonder how you can create a compelling sales message and how to do this. Then use a good landing page generator.

The new GrooveFunnels Serie Apps will allow you to build not only landing pages commonly also called squeeze pages, but also complete websites with navigation bar, blogs, complete processing shopping cart for your products or services, email services integrated,  all fully hosted if you so wish, but not an obligation, and so much more.

It’s template based so all you have to do is pick a template to create you landing page or website, and modify as you wish with the simple drag N drop builder and editor.

On top of that you can get a totally Free Lifetime Account Access.  Yes Free.  No Credit Card Required!

It is very important to be very specific about the benefits or your products or services and to generate an enticing sales page. Avoid flashy colors and fancy fonts.

Simple, specific, detailing the major benefits with bullet points and nothing else that could distract the desired action should be what your landing page focus points.

Flashy colors distract the visitor from the sales message.

Once inside the GrooveFunnels apps you won’t have to worry about colors, graphics, fonts or whatever.  Just pick a suitable template or create one from scratch, as you please. 

Did I mention that the academy and training tutorials are also all included.  It also offers a support ticket center for all your issues or questions.  Actually GrooveFunnels is becoming the biggest competitor to all the major brands out there.  

Create Your Free Account Now!

To learn more download my Free Automated Marketing Tools Guide

5. Use Of Free Classified Ads

This is a little known practice and not recommended by most marketers. Still, there is a way to attract traffic through classified ads. Some would say it’s a tedious task and it takes for ever to post on these free classifieds websites and it is absolutely true.

The secret of classified ads is quantity. To get positive return from posting your ads you must consider spreading your ads at minimum over a few thousand sites.

Again from popular statistics a person is likely to click on an ad only after seing it several times, at minimum 7 times. That is why it is then crucial to be persistent on posting daily the same amount of ads for a full week before getting positive results.

I know this is not really appealing to anyone but if this is what it takes to attract free traffic, then just do it while listening to your favorite music or… Just don’t worry!  Magic Submitter will do it’s magic. This is where we can say: long live technology.

This software allows you to totally automate the publication of your posts on targeted websites.

All you have to do is produce and save your advertisement, complete the necessary information details and click on the button. Your ad will automatically be published across a multitude of websites within 30 minutes or less.

Then you just have to repeat the process for seven to ten days. You will finally see the results expected from the process.

6. Take Time To Write Good Ads


You also can make use of Free Tools like Youzign or Canva. Both tools are template based and offer a vast variety of graphic ad types for all the existing medias.
Ad text are already existing, and you can easily adjust accordingly with the easy graphic editor both software offers. Just personalized to your products and services.  It’s always on point and in real-time trending with the current market.

They both  offer you a world of all the graphic design tools for any type of ads you can ever imagine or think of, and they are FREE to get started!

You can visit  Youzign or Canva, and why not create your access to both for more inspiration.

7. Don’t Let Yourself Be Discouraged!

I recommend Aweber

AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.

AWeber Free: Email marketing for free. No credit card required.

It’s one of the best well known, and established company when it comes to autoresponder software.

It is easy to use. It has a reliable customer service, and tutorials to help you get started.

Once you have the names and email addresses from your subscribers, then you’ll be able to offer new products or services directly sending email directly to their inboxes.

Take your time to implement and get use to the internet and  know your online marketing software tools, and without a doubt you will  reach your goals!

P.S.:  Again if you’re not absolutely sure about what steps to follow to succeed get Marcus’s program.  It will lead the way to your path of success!  Click here