sales Funnel Softwares

Best Sales Funnel Softwares Plus 13 Alternatives

Sales funnel softwares are necessary for any business that wants to increase its conversion rates. A sales funnel is “a guided path that prospects take through your selling process, from initial contact to purchase.”

In other words, the staging process turns imminent buyers into paying customers.

Funnel software is a dime a dozen. But only a few can help you increase your profit.

This blog post will look at the best sales funnel softwares available in the market and some of the best alternatives.

So whether you are looking for an all-in-one solution or something more specific to your needs, you will find something here!

What Is Sales Funnel Software?

sales Funnel Softwares

It is a tool that assists team organizations in automating and managing the method of selling products or services. It is also known as lead management.

It typically includes contact and pipeline management, opportunity tracking, quote and proposal, order processing, and invoicing.

Some also include customer relationship management (CRM) and project management features.

The primary objective of funnel technology is to assist companies in streamlining and strengthening their sales procedures to finalize more deals and increase profit.

It is used by businesses of all sizes, from small to large enterprises. There are many alternatives on the market, ranging from free and open-source to expensive enterprise-level options.

What is a Sales Funnel?

A sales funnel a methodology that companies use to acquire buyers. The funnel begins with awareness, where potential clients are first made aware of the company and its products or services.

They are then moved through the stages of interest, desire, and action until they finally make a purchase.

The funnel is frequently represented as a graph, with the widest part at the top (indicating awareness) and the narrowest portion at the bottom (representing purchase).

The stages of interest, desire, and action are between these two extremes.

Sales Funnel

A library offering pre-made customizable and sharable funnels with an in-built drag-and-drop editor is a severe attribute to consider.

Basic pre-build funnels examples for:

  • Selling Books
  • Product Launch
  • Webinar
  • Physical & Digital Products
  • And more

Why Use Sales Funnel Software?

To help marketers to monitor and track their results and manage their selling process. It starts from awareness all the way through to purchase.

It can provide insights into which marketing channels are driving candidates into the funnel and also help to identify where people are dropping out of it.

As a result, enterprises can optimize their tactics and increase profitable transactions by understanding these things.

Another interesting read: Online Marketing Software Or Strategy & Skills

The Benefits Of Sales Funnel Software

You may use it to develop fundamental to sophisticated vending operations that are more efficient and conclusive. 

It can also help you track your results to increase gains. Finally, it enables you to increase efficacy by automating and simplifying the procedure.

Some of the benefits include:

Better tracking and reporting: It tracks your results to identify relevant areas for improvement. 

Faster sales cycle: It speeds up your procedure by automating steps, such as repetitive tasks, data entry, and others.

Increased accuracy: Since it automates your tasks, it can also help reduce human error.

Improved client experience: By providing a streamlined and efficient procedure, you can give a better experience for your clientele.

Better decision-making: It provides data to help you make better decisions about your sales strategy and operation.

Improved conversions: By improving your methods and following up on your results, you’ll automatically increase your conversion rate and profit and sell unlimited products.

So, sales funnel software can help you polish your selling process in several ways. It can help you track your results, speed up your vending cycle, reduce human error, and soothe your shoppers’ satisfaction.

In addition, the data it collects can help you make better judgments.

All of the above will conduct to higher conversion rates, more excellent consumer lifetime value, and amplify activity channel insight and efficiency.

What are The Disadvantages of Sales Funnel Software?

There are a few potential disadvantages, including:

  • it can be expensive
  • it can be time-consuming to set up and maintain
  • it may require a learning curve

Which Sales Funnel Software is Right for You?

The best one for you will depend on some factors, including your budget, the size of your business, and your specific needs.

Some of the most renowned include ClickFunnels,,, Convertri, HubSpot Sales, Pipedrive, and more.

Another interesting read: Best Funnel Builder Software: What To Look For (11Hints) And More…

How to Use Sales Funnel Software?

Depending on your demands, it may be used in various ways.

Typically, you’ll use it to capture incoming leads, track their progress through your funnel, and identify where people drop out. In addition, you may use it to generate reports, set up automated follow-up sequences, and more.

A sales funnel builder will assist you in enhancing your sales process. Consider using a sales funnel tool if you are determined to do this.

Many options are available, but the choices are not limited, so research is required before committing.

Another interesting read: Clickfunnels Review Sales Funnel

Integration Categories Of Sales Funnel Software

It generally integrates with eight categories of software applications. Each of these integration categories will be discussed in this section.

  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Marketing automation
  • eCommerce
  • Analytics
  • Email marketing
  • Inbound Call
  • Tracking & Payment Processor
  • Help Desk

Most funnel builders include some of these characteristics, but stand-alone selections are also available for each and every one of them.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), as an acronym, tracks and manages current and potential clients’ interactions. 

It includes contact and pipeline management, automation, and opportunity tracking. 

CRM consolidates consumer information and documents into a single CRM database so enterprises can better understand their consumers’ behavior, close more deals, and improve their pipeline. 

Marketing Automation

It is used to automate and streamline tasks and workflows. For example, the application can offer email marketing and automation, lead nurturing, scoring, and social media management.

It’s commonly paired with CRM software.

A sales funnel a way that takes a candidate from Awareness to Decision. The steps in between vary but typically include Interest, Evaluation, and Purchase.

Reps can more effectively nurture their contacts and close deals by automating tasks and workflows throughout the client journey.

When evaluating this form of a solution, bear in mind your unique requirements and objectives.

For example, HubSpot Marketing would be a good fit if you are looking for a resolution that offers email marketing and nurturing capabilities.

Pardot or Marketo may be better if you want to manage social media and reports.

eCommerce Platform

An e-commerce platform is used to build and manage online stores. Most will suggest complete shopping cart functionality, product catalogs, order handling, and shipping integrations. 

The top three systems: Shopify, Magento, and WooCommerce, represent over 60% of the market share. Of course, all three have pros and cons, but they’re all complete solutions that will get the job done.

Shopify is by far the simplest to use. It’s geared toward small businesses and entrepreneurs that want to get started quickly and without much hassle.

Magento is a little more complex and geared towards larger ones that need more customization options.

WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform provider on the planet. It’s a WordPress plugin that can be used to turn any WordPress site into an online store.

BigCommerce is another in-demand platform similar to Shopify in terms of ease of use. However, it’s also geared towards small businesses and entrepreneurs.


Some of the most favored analytics applications include:

  • Google Analytics: Analyzes website traffic and conversion data
  • MixpanelProvides detailed analysis of user behavior
  • Heap: Automatically tracks user behavior and generates reports
  • Amplitude: Helps you understand how your consumers interact with your product

An analytics application is used to track and analyze data. It provides functionalities such as event and converting tracking and audience segmentation.

These tools allow you to track your funnel results and optimize them accordingly.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution when choosing analytics software.

The proper one for you will depend on several factors, including the ease of use and implementation and the price.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is used to send mass messages. It has many built-in email templates, contact lists, email scheduling, and tracking.

In addition, it is used to stimulate relationships with potential buyers, keep current consumers engaged, and start turning browsers into buyers.

Inbound Call Tracking Service

Inbound call tracking service tracks and manages phone calls from inquiries. It involves a suite of call recording, transcription, routing, and caller ID applications.

It gives organizations insight into which channels are driving phone calls and helps them track conversions from those calls.

Payment Processor

A payment processor is used to operate payoff transactions. In addition, it suggests invoicing recurring billing and fraud prevention.

Help Desk

A help desk is used to track and manage assistance requests. It has ticket management, a knowledge base, and live chat. It is a precious and effective service.

Let us overview some of the best-operating systems with which sales funnel technology can be used or integrated.

Standard Features Every Sales Funnel Software Should Have

Sales Funnel Softwares

It should have certain standard features to make it great. Some of these based features are:

Ease Of Use

It should be user-friendly with a straightforward interface. In addition, it should be designed to make it pretty easy for anyone to navigate.

Some benefits of ease of use are that it saves time, and those who use it are less likely to make mistakes and avoid deploying massive efforts just to navigate.

Ease of use is prominent since it makes it more accessible to a broader range of buyers. It also makes it more user-friendly, increasing satisfaction and loyalty among its clientele.


Besides a well-designed interface, the design should be modern and sleek. Innovation is fundamental since it makes it visually appealing and attractive.

A well-designed interface is more likely to arouse consideration and be recommended.


The best sales funnel software should be flexible enough to adapt to the changing needs of consumers.

Another advantage of flexibility is that it can be used in various ways and to change as the market evolves.

Therefore, the more flexible a program is, the more versatile and valuable it becomes.

Customer Support

Excellent customer support assists your shoppers with any problems they may be facing. In addition, ensures it is used correctly to get the most out of it.

Increased ROI and referrals are possible as a result.

Price Plan

It should have several price plans that are affordable and versatile for buyers to choose the features that meet their requirements. For example, most sales funnel system ranges from $10 to $99 per month.

Payment Options

A variety of payment gateways is vital since it allows for choosing the checkout method that is most convenient for everyone.

A wide range of options is better than less to accommodate everyone worldwide.

Integration With Other Apps

The platform may be connected with other applications already used in some organizations. This might result in enhanced efficiency and output.

However, integration is crucial since it opens various custom possibilities for multiple uses.


Security is vital for any software product. If users can’t trust that their data will be safe, they won’t use it. A high level of security guards the product’s reputation.

Security is crucial to keep intruders from accessing private data. And to protect the system from being used for malicious purposes.

It also keeps unauthorized users from making changes to the plan that could have negative consequences.

Security measures should be designed to strike a balance between these two objectives.

Too much security can make it difficult for legitimate users to access the system, while too little protection can leave the system vulnerable to attack.

The best security systems constantly evolve to stay ahead of the latest threats.

Lead generation

It helps to increase gains by capturing email addresses from various online platforms.

Some in-demand methods are content marketing, search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, etc.

Some famous examples are:


Automation is used to increase efficiency and productivity. Automating proceedings to optimize workflows and save time is essential in business.

It allows companies to automate various functions in their sales funnels, such as email marketing, lead generation, and follow-up.

By automating their operations, teams can free up valuable minutes and resources that can be used elsewhere.

Email Marketing Management

Email marketing management is necessary for advanced marketers because it helps increase sales. In addition, you can create more opportunities to engage and upgrade consumer retention rates by managing your contacts.

The best programs offer a variety of features, plus the ability to:

  • collect contact addresses from a variety of sources
  • segment lists based on criteria such as location, demographics, or interests
  • control contact lists and keep them organized
  • automate personalized emails and send them out on a schedule
  • split testing your messages
  • track the results of campaigns and see what is working

Some of the top managing system examples:

The proper platform can make a crucial difference in the success of your marketing campaigns. Be sure to research and find a program with all the features you need to succeed.


An autoresponder is a program that sends automated messages to subscribers after signing up for your list.

Autoresponders are the ultimate tool for anyone who wants to build a successful email marketing campaign.

They help you stay in touch, build relationships, and drive sales.

Mobile Access

Mobile access ensures accessibility in locations where physical access may be difficult. It is highly indispensable.

In addition, tablets and smartphones with internet connectivity are still required because they assist in increasing the visibility of the programs.

Sales Dashboard

A sales dashboard is a graphical interface that provides at-a-glance views of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to the sale process.

Individuals or teams can use sales dashboards to track progress against quotas, identify trends and problem areas, and compare results against historical data.

Salesforce’s Sales Cloud and Zoho CRM are CRM platforms with a sales dashboard feature.

Pipedrive CRM is a platform that is focused on sales pipeline administration.

HubSpot Sales is a sales acceleration platform offering a sales dashboard feature.

These all provide team employees with an overview of the sales pipeline, recent activity, and upcoming tasks.

Here are my best sales funnel software and 13 alternatives

Zendesk Sell

Zendesk Sell is a sales CRM that offers an intuitive contact tracking system.

  • With Zendesk, you can quickly generate prospects using various lead generation tools, web forms, landing page builders, automatic lead scoring, and more.
  • Zendesk provides instant access to contact information thanks to its easy-to-use contact management features.
  • With these features, you can address a more significant volume of potential buyers. Finally, Zendesk Sell’s reporting system will automatically generate accurate and real-time reports, so you get a realistic measure of your entire business’s overall health.
  • Zendesk is a sales prime automation application that helps sales teams manage their contacts and deals. It has a sales dashboard and analytics tools to help you track your progression. 
  • Zendesk is an excellent choice for sales teams who need a powerful sales force automation tool. 

Zendesk Sell Pricing Plans

Zendesk Sell has two pricing plan categories: Plans for Everyone and Plans for Enterprises. In addition, they offer monthly or annually paid membership subscription packages.

The following Zendesk prices are per agent per month.

Plans for everyoneYearlyMonthly
Plans for Enterprises$150$199
Tailored Plan (Talk to an agent)$215 
Fundational Support  

Zendesk offers a 30-day free trial upon registration, making it an excellent choice for budget-conscious companies.

Zendesk Sell Overview

Another interesting read: GrooveFunnels Review: Start A Business For Free

A-List Of Alternatives Of Best Sales Funnel Software:

  1. Pipedrive
  2. Zoho CRM
  3. HubSpot Sales
  4. Salesforce Sales Cloud
  5. Insightly CRM
  6. Nimble
  7. Agile CRM
  8. Apptivo CRM
  9. Bitrix24 CRM
  10. Capsule CRM
  11. Pipeline CRM
  13. Click Funnels

Thanks for reading!